What's Wrong With June?
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Qarnita Loxton
R 330.00 Price and availability exclusive to website
June has worked hard for her family, but she is starting to feel like the dull accountant trope. She is safe and comfortable and bored. June wants more. And on the eve of the new year, when the radio DJ encourages listeners to make the most of it, June feels like he’s talking to her, and she decides to make a vision board — magazine cutouts, silver glitter and all.
Maybe 2022 is the year that June Cupido reinvents herself.
In her poignant novel, “What’s Wrong With June?” Qarnita Loxton masterfully weaves a tapestry of emotions, identity, and resilience. Set against the backdrop of a post-pandemic world that feels so far away but also so recent, this book delves into the complexities of mental health, family dynamics, and the impact of social media.
June, the protagonist, is a character who resonates deeply. Her struggles with anxiety and feeling trapped mirror our collective experiences as the result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Loxton’s writing brings June to life, making her relatable and authentic. I was invested in her journey, rooting for her all the way.
The novel also explores the dynamics of a large, caring, and occasionally interfering family. June’s interactions with her relatives add depth to the narrative. We see love, conflict, and the messy beauty of familial bonds. It’s a reminder that family shapes our identity, even when we’re far from home.
Loxton’s vivid descriptions evoke the lush landscapes, the scent of frangipani, and the warmth of the Indian Ocean. I have a dear friend who moved to Mauritius, and I was thinking of her non-stop while reading this book.
“What’s Wrong With June?” is a compelling exploration of resilience, self-discovery, and the human spirit. Loxton’s prose invited me to reflect on my own life, to find appreciation in ordinary moments, but also to do more with the opportunity we do have. As I turned the pages, I felt a kinship with June, and I suspect you will too. She lives and learns, makes mistakes, and grows!
First off, I want to say that this title is so fitting! I asked myself what’s wrong with June more times than I can count while reading this book.
June is a Capetonian in her 40’s who just isn’t very happy with the life she’s living. She realised that her life revolves around everyone but her. She’s tired of trying to please everyone else and just needs time to figure out who she is.
June makes a vision board and realises that she’s missed out on so many things (she can’t even swim). She’s saved all this money but never actually spent it on something for herself. Realising that her life isn’t what she’d hoped, she hops on a plane to Mauritius.
While June is in Mauritius she learns so many new things about herself. She also starts trying new things. She gets to try dim sum and even takes swimming lessons! But are the small changes enough to make her happy?
This book made me feel all sorts of things. I realised that maybe I shouldn’t sit back and skip out on certain opportunities. Maybe I should go out with those friends, or go for that hike.
I highly, highly recommend this book! You won’t be sorry that you picked it up!
June has worked hard for her family, but she is starting to feel like the dull accountant trope. She is safe and comfortable and bored. June wants more. And on the eve of the new year, when the radio DJ encourages listeners to make the most of it, June feels like he’s talking to her, and she decides to make a vision board — magazine cutouts, silver glitter and all.
Maybe 2022 is the year that June Cupido reinvents herself.
In her poignant novel, “What’s Wrong With June?” Qarnita Loxton masterfully weaves a tapestry of emotions, identity, and resilience. Set against the backdrop of a post-pandemic world that feels so far away but also so recent, this book delves into the complexities of mental health, family dynamics, and the impact of social media.
June, the protagonist, is a character who resonates deeply. Her struggles with anxiety and feeling trapped mirror our collective experiences as the result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Loxton’s writing brings June to life, making her relatable and authentic. I was invested in her journey, rooting for her all the way.
The novel also explores the dynamics of a large, caring, and occasionally interfering family. June’s interactions with her relatives add depth to the narrative. We see love, conflict, and the messy beauty of familial bonds. It’s a reminder that family shapes our identity, even when we’re far from home.
Loxton’s vivid descriptions evoke the lush landscapes, the scent of frangipani, and the warmth of the Indian Ocean. I have a dear friend who moved to Mauritius, and I was thinking of her non-stop while reading this book.
“What’s Wrong With June?” is a compelling exploration of resilience, self-discovery, and the human spirit. Loxton’s prose invited me to reflect on my own life, to find appreciation in ordinary moments, but also to do more with the opportunity we do have. As I turned the pages, I felt a kinship with June, and I suspect you will too. She lives and learns, makes mistakes, and grows!
First off, I want to say that this title is so fitting! I asked myself what’s wrong with June more times than I can count while reading this book.
June is a Capetonian in her 40’s who just isn’t very happy with the life she’s living. She realised that her life revolves around everyone but her. She’s tired of trying to please everyone else and just needs time to figure out who she is.
June makes a vision board and realises that she’s missed out on so many things (she can’t even swim). She’s saved all this money but never actually spent it on something for herself. Realising that her life isn’t what she’d hoped, she hops on a plane to Mauritius.
While June is in Mauritius she learns so many new things about herself. She also starts trying new things. She gets to try dim sum and even takes swimming lessons! But are the small changes enough to make her happy?
This book made me feel all sorts of things. I realised that maybe I shouldn’t sit back and skip out on certain opportunities. Maybe I should go out with those friends, or go for that hike.
I highly, highly recommend this book! You won’t be sorry that you picked it up!
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Lija, die stiefdogter van Pontius Pilatus, kom in Jerusalem aan met twee brandende begeertes wat haar rebelse optrede aanvuur: haar intense haat en wraakgedagtes jeens alle Romeine en haar hoop om vir Jesus te ontmoet. Sy glo dat Hy die gat in haar binneste kan genees. Sy is onverskrokke in haar verontagsaming van voorskrifte en in die proses beland sy herhaaldelik in gevaarlike situasies, situasies waaruit Silva, ’n Romeinse tribuun, haar telkens red.
Die verhaal is geplaas in die tydgleuf vlak voor die kruisiging, en die tyd direk daarna. Jy sal karakters soos Judas Iskariot, Barabbas en Herodes raaklees in die boeiende vertelling van die jong Joods-Romeinse meisie met ’n hartseer verlede wat haar verbitterd gelaat het. Sy het nie rekening gehou daarmee dat die Romein, met stryd van sy eie, haar hart gaan wen nie. “Wat het geword van haar belofte aan haarself om met elke Romein wat haar pad kruis, af te reken? (p. 104)
Die verhouding blyk onversoenbaar te wees, want Silva deel nie haar geloof nie. Die storielyn met volop konflik, vorder met ’n pas wat verseker dat jy nie sommer die boek wil neersit nie. Ek het groot simpatie gehad met die gekwelde hoofkarakter, hoewel haar hardkoppigheid my byna moedeloos gemaak het. Silva het, ten spyte van sy toewydig, self ’n goeie skeut onversetlikheid openbaar. Beslis ’n ryke aanbieding van stryd en sterk emosies.
Frenette van Wyk bewys haarself weereens as ’n baie veelsydige skrywer. Sy het reeds haar slag getoon met ritse romanses in verskillende sub-genres, wat insluit historiese fiksie (Silwerspoor van die maan), fantasie (Onmoontlike droom), en onlangs Om aan ’n ster te raak, ’n Inspirasie storie gekombineer met fantasie. Sy het ook ’n paar SuperRomanzas geskryf, onder andere Geliefde rebel. Met Stryd vir liefde, ’n geslaagde Bybelroman, brei sy haar oeuvre nog verder uit.
Stryd vir liefde is ’n publikasie van Luca, die geestelike druknaam van Lapa Uitgewers
Loved the story one of my favorite books. I can't wait to get the rest of the series.
Ek het Ivor Swartz se nuwe boek al ’n tydjie gelede begin, maar ander boeke het knaend in die ry gespring. Totdat ek vanuit ’n heel ander oord gekonfronteer word met dieselfde waarhede waarna die skrywer onder andere, by monde van die profeet, Habakuk, verwys. By ’n biduurgeleentheid is ons herinner aan Johannes 16 vers 33: “Dit het Ek vir julle gesê, dat julle in My vrede kan hê. In die wêreld sal julle verdrukking hê; maar hou goeie moed, Ek het die wêreld oorwin.” Dit het my geïnspireer om erns te maak met Nogtans-geloof, gepen na aanleiding van Habakuk se pad wat hy gestap het onder uitdagende omstandighede.
Christene kan byna deur die bank lustig saamsing oor vyebome wat nie bot nie, van mislukte oeste, krale sonder vee en voete soos ribbokke (Habakuk 3:17-19). Maar die proses wat hierdie profeet uiteindelik laat jubel het, is minder bekend. Aanvanklik is die profeet opstandig omdat onreg seëvier, hy kla by God oor wetteloosheid, geweld en vernietiging. Hy vertoef lank genoeg in gebed by God om God se antwoord te kry dat Hy die onreg nie ongestraf sal laat nie.
Die skrywer trek deurgaans ’n parallel met ons omstandighede in Suid-Afrika, waar wetteloosheid, korrupsie en geweld oënskynlik ook seëvier. Hy raak persoonlik en eerlik deur te erken dat hy self sy eie trauma en seer as verskoning gebruik het om minder as ’n dissipel van Jesus op te tree (p.168).
Daar gaan ook ernstige waarskuwings uit in die boek: “God kan nie gemanipuleer word nie – nie met trane, biddae, vasdae of enige ander soort godsdienstige rituele nie. God kan vertrou word – Hy ken jou, jou omstandighede, jou verse en beproewinge.” (p.29) ’n Ander groot gevaar wat die skrywer uitwys, is dat ons kennis van God in diens begin staan van ons verwagtinge, welke verwagtinge dan jou siening van God gepaal. Die skrywer gebruik die voorbeeld van Jona in hierdie verband.
Nogtans-geloof kan effektief gebruik word as studiehulpmiddel wanneer die boek van Habakuk deurgewerk word. Ek herhaal ten slotte graag die stelling wat Ivor Swartz reeds vroeg maak: “Ek glo in nogtans omdat ek al die donkerste van tye oorleef het, en eerstehands gesien het die lig is altyd sterker en hou langer.” (p.16)
Nogtans-geloof is ’n publikasie van Lux Verbi, druknaam van NB Uitgewers. Die skrywer verskaf ook ’n lys van boeke wat hy aanbeveel om ter aanvulling te lees.