The Five Firm Friends – Edith, Cordelia, Amanda, Doris and Beauty – are five sassy career women who confront life head-on. But when Beauty suddenly becomes ill and, after six short weeks, passes away, their world is thrown into confusion. On her deathbed Beauty begs Amanda to promise her one thing – that she and the rest of the FFF will not waste their lives as she has done. All because of an unfaithful husband ... ‘Ukhule,’ she begs of Amanda. May you live a long life, and may you become old. Beauty’s Gift is a moving tale of how four women decide to change their own fate as well as the lives of those closest to them. This is Sindiwe Magona at her very best – writing about social issues, and not keeping quiet. Speak up, she says to women in Africa. Stand up, and take control of your own lives.
CONTRIBUTORS: Sindiwe Magona
EAN: 9781770106239
COUNTRY: South Africa
WEIGHT: 176 g
HEIGHT: 203 cm
PUBLISHED BY: Pan Macmillan South Africa
WIDTH: 133 cm
Book Themes:
Modern and contemporary fiction: general and literary
'Just when I thought I have read all there is to read about HIV and AIDS, here comes a book that takes an absolutely different [approach] to the subject. It does not end there, it goes on to challenge the patriarchy that sometimes parades itself as culture and how damaging it can be sometimes in African marriages.' - Bayanda Mzoneli, Out Spoken
Sindiwe Magona is a multiple award-winning motivational speaker, author, poet, playwright, storyteller and actor. Her previously published work includes two autobiographical books, To My Children’s Children and Forced to Grow, two collections of short stories, Living, Loving and Lying Awake at Night (Africa’s 100 Best Books of the 20th Century) and Push-Push and Other Stories, and two novels, Mother to Mother, along with, most recently, Chasing the Tails of My Father’s Cattle. Magona has also published thirty children’s books – in all eleven languages. Magona has received numerous literary awards as well as awards in recognition of her work around women’s issues, the plight of children, and the fight against apartheid and racism. Magona lives and works in Cape Town. She is currently doing her PhD through the University of the Western Cape.
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