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Tackle Ferocious Feelings with Furry Friends

Dive into the new collection from Wendy Maartens tackling ferocious feelings that feeling very big for little bodies! Explore new feelings in a fun, relatable and approachable way with four new SA furry friends! 


  • Diere Maniere: Lukas Laast Sy Lig

    Diere Maniere: Lukas Laast Sy Lig

    Lukas is bang vir die donker en vreemde geluide. Hy voel skaam wanneer hy nie soos sy maats op die groot wiel by die kermis wil ry nie. Met 'n bietjie wysheid en leiding van sy pa, leer Lukas egter dat dit baie dapper kan wees om 'nee' te sê. Hierdie oulike verhaal oor 'n bang olifantjie leer kinders dat alle emisies belangrik is, en dat dapperheid vir almal anders lyk.

    Wendy Maarteens ESTIMATED DELIVERY:
    Approx 4 Business Days

    R 102.00R 79.00

    4 Days Delivery
  • Furry Feelings: Liam Lets his Light Shine

    Furry Feelings: Liam Lets his Light Shine

    Liam is afraid of the dark and strange noises. When he has to say no to his friends who want to go on a scary ride at the fair, he feels embarrassed. But with some wisdom and guidance from his dad, Liam learns that saying no can be very brave. This sweet story about a scared little elephant teaches children that every emotion is valid, and that courage looks different for each of us.

    Wendy Maartens ESTIMATED DELIVERY:
    Approx 4 Business Days

    R 102.00R 79.00

    4 Days Delivery
  • Diere Maniere: Katryn n Ster

    Diere Maniere: Katryn n Ster

    Dit is Katryn se eerste dag by die nuwe skool. Sy voel bang en onseker, maar maak gou nuwe vriende. Katryn deel haar toebroodjies met 'n klasmaat en red 'n verskrikte duif.Hierdie oulike verhaal oor 'n vriendelike en behulpsame sebratjie leer kinders dat alle emosies belangrik is, en dat ons in enige situasie empatie en respek kan betoon.

    Wendy Maartens ESTIMATED DELIVERY:
    Approx 4 Business Days

    R 102.00R 79.00

    4 Days Delivery
  • Furry Feelings: Gugu Gets a Star

    Furry Feelings: Gugu Gets a Star

    Gugu is nervous about her first day at a new school. But a kind gesture, a shared lunch and a rescued bird help her classmates see what a great friend she can be. Join in Gugu's journey, as she goes from feeling anxious to showing kindness and being welcomed. This sweet story about a kind little zebra teaches children that every emotion is valid, and that we can show empathy and respect in all situations.

    Wendy Maartens ESTIMATED DELIVERY:
    Approx 4 Business Days

    R 102.00R 79.00

    4 Days Delivery
  • Diere Maniere: Simon Staan sy Man

    Diere Maniere: Simon Staan sy Man

    Simon is hartseer omdat sy beste maat moes wegtrek. Hy is ook hartseer toe sy hondjie doodgaan en hy by die skool geboelie word. Met Mamma se hulp leer hy egter dat mens glad nie skaam hoef te voel om te huil nie. Wanneer hy 'n nuwe stokperdjie kry, begin hy sterker en minder alleen voel. Hierdie oulike verhaal oor 'n hartseer leeutjie leer kinders dat alle emosie belangrik is, en dat moeilike situasies ons kan help om ons innerlike krag te ontdek.

    Wendy Maartens ESTIMATED DELIVERY:
    Approx 4 Business Days

    R 102.00R 79.00

    4 Days Delivery
  • Furry Feelings: Sello Stands his Ground

    Wendy Maartens ESTIMATED DELIVERY:
    Approx 4 Business Days

    R 102.00R 79.00

    4 Days Delivery
  • Diere Maneire: Miekie Maak Haar Merk

    Wendy Maartens ESTIMATED DELIVERY:
    Approx 4 Business Days

    R 102.00R 79.00

    4 Days Delivery
  • Furry Feelings: Chloe Counts to 10

    Wendy Maartens ESTIMATED DELIVERY:
    Approx 4 Business Days

    R 102.00R 79.00

    4 Days Delivery


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