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Louise Hay

Louis Hay was an American motivational speaker, author and one of the founders of the self-help movement. Her first book, Heal Your Body, is considered a pioneer in understanding the connection between mind and body and was published in 1976. Through her positive philosophy and healing techniques, her books have sold over 35 million copies and have been translated into 30 languages.

  • You Can Heal Your Life
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    You Can Heal Your Life

    AN INTERNATIONAL SENSATION AND A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER THAT SOLDOVER 50 MILLION COPIESTHE DEFINITIVE GUIDE ON SELF-HEALING; AFFIRMATIONS; AND THE POWER OF THE MIND TO HEAL THE BODY “Louise Hay writes to your soul—where all healing begins. I love this book . . . and I love Louise Hay.” — Dr. Wayne W. Dyer; author of 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace and The Power of Intention You Can Heal Your Life has transformed the lives of millions of people. This is a book that people credit with profoundly altering their awareness of the impact that the mind has on health and wellbeing. In this inspirational book by the late world-renowned bestselling author and self-help pioneer Louise Hay; you’ll find profound insight into the relationship between the mind and the body.Exploring the way that limiting thoughts and ideas control and constrict us, she offers us a powerful key to understanding the roots of our physical dis-eases and discomforts. Full of positive affirmations, this practical guidebook will change the way you think forever!Louise Hay, bestselling author, is an internationally known leader in the self-help field. Her key message is: "If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed." Louise Hayhad a great deal of experience and firsthand information to share about healing, including how she cured herself after being diagnosed with cancer.Chapters of You Can Heal Your Life Include: Part 1 - Introduction · Suggestions to My Readers· Some Points of My Philosophy· What I believePart II - A Session with Louise· What Is the Problem?· Where Does It Come From?· Is It True?· What Do We Do Now?· Resistance To Change· How To Change· Building The New· Daily WorkPart III - Putting These Ideas to Work· Relationships· Work· Success· Prosperity· The Body· The List“My message is simple and not confined by borders: You Can Heal Your Life has been translated into over 40 languages throughout the world and continues to heal, transform and empower the lives of so many people. To this day, I am moved by the stories of profound changes that positive affirmations have made in so many lives. I am also pleased that my work has been embraced not only by my generation, but those who have followed.To those of you who may be new to using affirmations, I’d like to share with you the following: Every thought we think and every word we speak creates our future. Life is really very simple. What we give out, we get back.What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us. I believe that everyone, myself included, is responsible for everything in our lives, the best and the worst.Affirmations are like seeds that you plant and expect to grow. I urge you to discover the power of affirmations as there are no limits to what they can bring. All is well, you are safe. Life loves you, and so do I.—Louise Hay

    Louise Hay

    R 360.00

  • Heal Your Body
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    Heal Your Body

    KNOWN AFFECTIONATELY AS THE “LITTLE BLUE BOOK,” THIS INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER TAUGHT MILLIONS HOW TO OVERCOME ILLNESS AND DIS-EASE WITH THE POWER OF AFFIRMATIONS.THIS CLASSIC SELF-HEALING BOOK WAS EXPANDED INTO THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE THAT HAS SOLD OVER 50 MILLION COPIES.Heal Your Body is a step-by-step guidebook for healing yourself. Just look up your specific health challenge and you will find the probable cause for this health issue and the information you need to overcome it by creating a new thought pattern using positive affirmations.Louise Hay was a bestselling author and pioneer in the self-help field. Her key message was: "If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed." Louise Hay had a great deal of experience and firsthand information to share about healing—including how she cured herself after having been diagnosed with cancer. People from all over the world have read Heal Your Body and have found it to be an indispensable reference. Here are some typical comments: “I love this book. I carry it around in my purse, refer to it constantly, and share it with my friends.” “HEAL YOUR BODY seems divinely inspired.” “Thank you for writing HEAL YOUR BODY. It changed my ideas about diseases. As I am a doctor, it also changed the way I look at people.” Chapters in Heal Your Body Include:· The Point of Power Is in the Present Moment· Mental Equivalents· Replacing Old Patterns· Healing Affirmations· Spinal Misalignments· Further Comments· Loving Treatment “I suggest that you make a list of every ailment you’ve ever had and look up the mental causes. You’ll discover a pattern that will show you a lot about yourself. Select a few of the affirmations and do them for a month. This will help eliminate old patterns that you’ve been carrying for a long time. When we can truly live from the loving space of the heart, approving of ourselves and trusting the Divine Power to provide for us, then peace and joy will fill our lives, and illness and uncomfortable experiences will cease to be in our experience. Our goal is to live happy, healthy lives, enjoying our own company. Love dissolves anger, love releases resentment, love dissipates fear, and love creates safety. When you can come from a space of totally loving yourself, then everything in your life must flow with ease, harmony, health, prosperity, and joy.Love yourself as much as you can, and all of life will mirror this love back to you.”Life loves you, and so do I, — Louise Hay

    Louise Hay

    R 295.00

  • Power Is Within You
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    Power Is Within You

    THE BESTSELLING EXTENSION TO THE INTERNATIONAL PHENOMENON, YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE THAT HAS SOLD MORE THAN 50 MILLION COPIES A CLASSIC STEP-BY-STEP BLUEPRINT FOR HOW TO LOVE YOURSELF AND DISCOVER YOUR POWER WITHINLouise Hay expands on her philosophies in You Can Heal Your Life of loving yourself through: · Learning to listen and trust your inner voice· Loving your inner child · Letting your true feelings out...· Discovering your strength so you can take charge of your life...and much moreThe more you connect to the Power within you, the more you can be free in all areas of your life. This inspiring book will help you have confidence and overcome the blocks, limiting beliefs, and barriers to loving yourself out of the way, so you can love yourself no matter what circumstance you happen to be going through.You’ll learn how to react to problems differently using positive affirmations and a new mindset so you have more peace. After many years counseling clients and conducting hundreds of intensive training programs, self-help pioneer Louise Hay said the one thing that heals every problem is to love yourself and The Power is Within You will show you how.This book will be an essential steppingstone on your path of self-discovery and is a roadmap on how to change for the better by loving and taking care of yourself, starting today.The Power is Within You Chapters Include:PART ONE - BECOMING CONSCIOUSThe Power WithinFollowing My Inner VoiceThe Power of Your Spoken WordReprogramming Old TapesPART TWO - DISSOLVING THE BARRIERSUnderstanding The Blocks That Bind YouLetting Your Feelings Out Moving Beyond The PainPART THREE - LOVING YOURSELFHow To Love YourselfLoving The Child WithinGrowing Up and Getting OldPART FOUR - APPLYING YOUR INNER WISDOMReceiving ProsperityExpressing Your Creativity The Totality of PossibilitiesPART FIVE - LETTING GO OF THE PASTChange and TransitionA World Where It's Safe to Love Each Other“I feel an important thing to be aware of is that the Power we are all seeking "out there" is also within us and readily available to us to use in positive ways. May this book reveal to you how very powerful you really are.The information in this book, which has been a part of my lectures, and new ideas since writing You Can Heal Your Life, is an opportunity to know a little more about yourself and to understand the potential that is your birthright. You have an opportunity to love yourself more, so you can be a part of an incredible universe of love. Love begins in our hearts, and it begins with us. Let your love contribute to the healing of our planet.”Life loves you and so do I,Louise Hay

    Louise Hay

    R 360.00

  • Embrace Your Power
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    Embrace Your Power

    Now in paperback: From beloved, inspiring teacher Louise Hay, an updated edition of a classic guide to help women own their power and live fully.When Louise Hay published the first edition of this book more than 20 years ago with the title Empowering Women, her hope was to help all women experience and take ownership of their self-love, self-worth, self-esteem and rightful, powerful place in the world. Today, her wisdom rings as true as ever, her words resonating with women seeking the best next step on their path.From relationships to health to sexuality to finances, Louise holds up for our examination the standards that have traditionally defined and limited women. She encourages us to consciously shift our internal ground so we can embrace progress in ways both big and small. This book is our invitation to live as fully and freely as we all deserve – and to embody the joyful truth Louise expressed: We are in a period of wonderful evolution now!

    Louise Hay

    R 310.00

  • Meditations to Heal Your Life
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    Meditations to Heal Your Life

    In this volume, Louise L. Hay shares her philosophy of life on a multitude of subjects from addictions to fears to spiritual laws, and everything in between. Her insights offer meditations and practical knowledge to apply to your day-to-day life. "This is a book of ideas to spark your own creative thinking process. It will give you an opportunity to see other ways to approach your experiences...Begin anywhere in this book. Open it at will. The message will be perfect for you at that moment. It may confirm what you already believe, or it may challenge you. It is all part of the growth process." Louise L Hay

    Louise Hay

    R 358.00

  • Mirror Work
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    Mirror Work

    AN ESSENTIAL SELF-CARE GUIDEBOOK FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFELOUISE HAY’S 21 DAY SIGNATURE DAILY PRACTICE FOR LEARNING HOW TO LOVE YOURSELF BASED ON HER MOST POPULAR VIDEO COURSE, LOVING YOURSELFMirror work has long been Louise Hay’s favorite method for cultivating a deeper relationship with yourself, and leading a more peaceful and meaningful life. The Mirror Principle, one of Louise’s core teachings, holds that our experience of life mirrors our relationship with ourselves; unless we see ourselves as loveable, the world can be a dark and lonely place.Mirror work—looking at oneself in a mirror and repeating positive affirmations—was Louise’s powerful method for learning to love oneself and experience the world as a safe and loving place. Each of the 21 days is organized around a theme, such as monitoring self-talk, overcoming fear, releasing anger, healing relationships, forgiving self and others, receiving prosperity, and living stress-free. The daily program involves an exercise in front of the mirror, positive affirmations, journaling, an inspiring Heart Thought to ponder, and a guided meditation. Packed with practical guidance and support, presented in Louise’s warmly personal words, MIRROR WORK—or Mirror Play, as she likes to call it—is designed to help you:– Learn a deeper level of self-care – Gain confidence in their own inner guidance system – Develop awareness of their soul gifts – Overcome resistance to change – Boost self-esteem – Cultivate love and compassion in their relationships with self and others In just three weeks, you will establish the practice of Mirror Work as a tool for personal growth and self-care, and a path to a full, rich life.MIRROR WORK CHAPTERS INCLUDE: WEEK ONE · Loving Yourself· Making Your Mirror Your Friend· Monitoring Your Self-Talk· Letting Go of Your Past · Building Your Self-Esteem· Releasing Your Inner CriticWEEK TWO· Loving Your Inner Child - Part One· Loving Your Inner Child - Part Two· Loving Your Body, Healing Your Pain· Feeling Good, Releasing Your Anger· Overcoming Your Fear· Starting Your Day with LoveWEEK THREE· Forgiving Yourself and Those Who Have Hurt You· Healing Your Relationships· Living Stress Free· Receiving Your Prosperity· Living Your Attitude of Gratitude· Teaching Mirror Work to Children· Loving Yourself Now“Mirror work—looking deeply into your eyes and repeating affirmations—is the most effective method I’ve found for learning to love yourself and see the world as a safe and loving place. I have been teaching people how to do mirror work for as long as I have been teaching affirmations.The most powerful affirmations are those you say out loud when you are in front of your mirror. The mirror reflects back to you the feelings you have about yourself. As you learn to do mirror work, you will become much more aware of the words you

    Louise Hay

    R 310.00

  • Heart Thoughts
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    Heart Thoughts

    Louise Hay's charming and valuable treasure trove of inner wisdom that can guide you through any problem you might be facing.Tap into the power of your Inner Self and discover your capability to change with Heart Thoughts, a collection of meditations, spiritual treatments and excerpts from the lectures of internationally renowned spiritual teacher Louise Hay. Organized into 96 topics from A (abundance) to W (world community), this book can be read straight through, or you can allow Spirit to guide you to the page you need, as with an oracle or daily devotional. Louise's powerful messages are accompanied by striking fuchsia illustrations by Katie Daisy, including stylized affirmations for each topic.This is a time of awakening. As you release old thought patterns and old habits, know that you are always safe. As you continue to learn and practice new beliefs and new methods of behaviour, you contribute to improving the quality of your life - and the new harmonious order of the world.'Life is very simple. We create our experiences by our thinking and feeling patterns. What we believe about ourselves and about Life becomes true for us. By becoming aware of our beliefs, we can change those that are not serving us. Gentle, firm insistence and consistency in what we choose to think will make positive changes manifest quickly and easily.' Louise Hay

    Louise Hay

    R 360.00

  • Power Thoughts
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    Power Thoughts

    "This little book is filled with positive affirmations. Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation. So why not choose to use only positive affirmations to create a new way of thinking, acting, and feeling?…By reading these affirmations—one a day, several at a time, or just by opening the book at random—you’re taking the first step toward building a more rewarding life…I know you can do it!" – Louise L. Hay

    Louise Hay

    R 280.00

  • How to Love Yourself
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    How to Love Yourself

    Elegant guided journal based on the work of Louise Hay, packed with affirmations and inspirational prompts on confidence, self-love, and compassion.“How to love yourself”—this evocative prompt has led millions of people to Louise Hay’s work. Now, this modern, beautifully designed guided journal based on Louise’s inspiring teachings will take you through the powerful exercises and uplifting affirmations you need to help you remember that at the very center of your being you are safe, you are whole, and you are perfect exactly as you are.This journal pairs Louise’s writings and affirmations on self-love with time-honored exercises, such as how to craft your own affirmations, do mirror work, effectively visualize, forgive and release, heal dis-ease, recognize the inner child, and recognize your inner strength and true beauty every day.

    Louise Hay

    R 305.00

  • I Can Do It
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    I Can Do It

    Learn how to eliminate negativity and replace it with positive affirmations to give you the confidence to attain the wonderful, joy-filled life you deserve!YOU CAN DO IT. You can change your life for the better - and the best part is that you already have the tools within you to do so. When you change your thinking process through a method such as affirmations, then everything in your life will also change.Beloved spiritual teacher Louise Hay reveals how you affirm and create your life experiences with every word and thought. Your beliefs are merely habitual thinking patterns, and while many of them work very well for you, others may be limiting your ability to create the very things you say you want. You need to pay attention to your thoughts so that you can begin to eliminate the ones creating experiences that you don't want. As Louise discusses topics such as health, forgiveness, prosperity, creativity, relationships, job success and self-esteem, you'll see that there is no problem so big or small that it cannot be solved with love. By the end of this book, you'll be able to say "I can do it" with confidence, knowing that you're on your way to an incredible life!INCLUDES A FREE DOWNLOAD OF THE I CAN DO IT® AUDIOBOOK!

    Louise Hay
  • 21 Days to Unlock the Power of Affirmations
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    21 Days to Unlock the Power of Affirmations

    Discover how to use affirmations to soothe your soul and heal your body in just 21 days with internationally bestselling author Louise Hay.Louise Hay's teachings on affirmations are multi-million copy bestsellers worldwide and have provided techniques that have comforted and healed countless people. 21 Days to Unlock the Power of Affirmations makes this infinitely powerful skill easy to learn.You'll discover the power of simple, calming words and how these can be applied to any situation. Whether emotional or physical, Louise's teachings are available for you to call on at any time. You'll also learn how to create your own personalised affirmation to unlock success, abundance, health and more. This is the ideal introduction to an essential technique, now presented in a format that fits your life. Start healing your life in just 21 days!Studies have shown it takes only 21 days for a new habit to take root. If there's a skill you've always wanted to take advantage of, the answer is only a few weeks away with Hay House's 21 Days series.

    Louise Hay

    R 335.00

  • Louise Hay's Affirmations for Self-Esteem
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    Louise Hay's Affirmations for Self-Esteem

    Twelve affirmation cards to help you build and maintain self-esteem from internationally beloved teacher Louise Hay. "It doesn't matter what other people say or do. What matters is what I choose to believe about myself." Originally published in 2003, this newly repackaged card deck, featuring 12 powerful affirmations, is designed to assist you in knowing you're perfect, whole, and complete. Post these cards in your home, workplace, car . . . or give them to friends and family. They’re sure to give you an enhanced sense of joy, power, and contentment.

    Louise Hay

    R 215.00
