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Louie Giglio

Louie Giglio is an author, pastor and public speaker. He is the founder of Passion City Church and the Passion Movement, encouraging young people to learn more about the Bible.

  • Trek 'n Kruisie Deur Angs

    Trek 'n Kruisie Deur Angs

    1 review

    Angs neem baie vorme aan, dis dalk die vrees wat oor jou skouer loer, die paniek wat alewig aan jou sy blyk te wees of die wolk van bekommernis wat oor jou lewe hang. Vir baie mense is dit 'n reus wat hulle wysmaak dat hulle nooit, ooit weer 'n normale lewe gaan kan lei nie; 'n reus wat jou vasvang in 'n greep van duisternis en wanhoop. Jy kan egter losbreek en sonder angs lewe. Uit sy eerstehandse ervaring van die stryd teen angs, deel Pastoor Louie Giglio beide praktiese en geestelike wenke om vry te kom. Aan die hand van 'n boodskap van bemoediging en hoop verduidelik hy die paradoks dat angs dalk dood is, maar steeds dodelik is - met ander woorde, angs is steeds oorweldigend, maar daar is egter Iemand wat reeds die oorhand oor angs gekry het. Hierdie nuttige hulpbron wys jou hoe om 'n kruisie te trek deur jou angs met die sterkste wapen tot ons beskikking: Jesus se kruis. Elke dag se oordenking sal jou help om een voet voor die ander te sit en grond te wen in die stryd sowel as om bose vestings af te breek omdat Jesus reeds namens jou die oorwinning behaal het.

    Louie Giglio

    R 25.00

    4 Days Delivery
  • Putting An X Through Anxiety

    Putting An X Through Anxiety

    Anxiety is dead...but it's still deadly. Anxiety may be the fear over your shoulder, the worry by your side or the dread hanging over your life. For many, it's a powerful giant that would like you to believe that your life will never be normal again. A giant that traps you in darkness and defeat. But, you can live free from anxiety. Knowing firsthand the reality of the battle of anxiety, pastor Louie Giglio shares both practical and spiritual ways to walk in freedom. With encouragement and hope he unfolds the truth in the paradox that anxiety is dead but still deadly -namely, that while the reality of anxiety maybe intimidating, there is One whose power has already won the battle. This helpful resource will show you how to put an "X" through your anxiety using the strongest of weapons: the cross of Jesus. Each day of the journey will help you put one foot forward in the battle, breaking through strongholds where Jesus has already fought for you and won.

    Louie Giglio

    R 33.00

    4 Days Delivery
  • Winning the War on Worry

    Winning the War on Worry

    God is greater than fear and all its cousins—depression, anxiety, panic, and worry. And Louie Giglio reminds us that because of that truth, we can immediately start the process of resizing worry and replacing it with trust.Winning the War on Worry has the potential to set readers on a new path and give them the tools they need to replace worry with a greater sense of trust in the Almighty. When we experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we could ever comprehend, He will guard our hearts and minds as we live in Christ Jesus.Jesus has given you all that you need for life and godliness. He has already won the war on worry, defeating death, hell, and the grave once and for all. As you read this simple yet powerful book, you will begin to see more clearly how:Worry is a liar, but we can choose whether we want to listen to the Enemy or our Heavenly FatherFear fuels worry, which fuels our need for control, but God's perfect love drives out fearYou can stand firm on the truth that Jesus both wants to and is able to carry what's worrying youWe can replace anxious thoughts with thoughts that line up with the character and nature of GodWinning the War on Worry can set you on a new path and give you the tools you need to replace worry with a greater sense of trust in the Almighty. Through the practical journey laid out in this book, allow Louie Giglio to point you to the One who is greater, to the God who encourages His people: "Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life" (Philippians 4:6–7 msg).

    Louie Giglio

    R 93.00

    4 Days Delivery
  • Putting an X Through Anxiety

    Louie Giglio

    R 192.00

    4 Days Delivery
  • At the Table with Jesus

    At the Table with Jesus

    At the Table with Jesus invites readers to sixty-six days of rich engagements with the Good Shepherd, providing deeper truths, power, and connection to walk through life’s troubles.  Through practical daily devotions, At the Table with Jesus invites readers to sit at the table with the Good Shepherd, building a habit of living life with him. The journey starts in Psalm 23 but takes the reader throughout all of Scripture to build a stronger relationship with the God of the universe.  

    Louie Giglio

    R 339.00

    4 Days Delivery


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