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Rick Warren

Rick Warren is an author and pastor. His teachings focus on worship, fellowship, discipleship and ministry.

  • Daily Hope Devotional: 365 Days of Purpose, Peace, and Promise

    Daily Hope Devotional: 365 Days of Purpose, Peace, and Promise

    Ever feel like you're just floating along, not really anchored to anything? Are you searching for purpose and peace in your life? Do you feel like something is missing? It's time to anchor yourself to something solid, something unchanging—but not to just any old thing. Take hold of something firm and secure. Take hold of hope— “an anchor for the soul” (Hebrews 6:19 NIV).So where do you turn to find real hope? The only answer is God. In Romans 15:13, the Bible says, “May God, the source of hope, fill you with joy and peace through your faith in him. Then you will overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (GW).God is the only source of hope that will never disappoint. In fact, the Bible says he is the God of hope. He wants his hope to overflow into your daily life, providing the power to conquer fear, reduce stress, resolve conflict, build healthy relationships, overcome temptation, and face any challenge.In this Daily Hope Devotional: 365 Days of Purpose, Peace, and Promise, you will experience clear, practical, and biblical teaching, helping you stay anchored to the real and unfailing hope that comes only from God. Discover what God has for you in the pages of the Daily Hope Devotional:• 365 daily devotions: Fill your heart with hope and encouragement every day• Lessons rooted in the Bible: Scripture verses with each readingThe latest from Rick Warren, author of the runaway New York Times bestseller The Purpose Driven Life

    Rick Warren

    R 360.00

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  • Die doelgerigte lewe

    Die doelgerigte lewe

    Die mees basiese vraag waarvoor elkeen in die lewe te staan kom, is: Hoekom is ek hier? Wat is my doel? Volgens Rick Warren le die antwoord by God en sy ewige doel met elke mens se lewe. Ware betekenis en belang kom van insig in en vervulling van die doel waarvoor God ons op die aarde geplaas het. Die doelgerigte lewe stel lesers in staat om te begryp waaroor die lewe eintlik gaan, en om die lewe te begin leef waarvoor God hulle geskep het. Deur die gebruik van Bybelse verhale en deur die Bybel self te laat praat, verduidelik Warren God se vyf doelwitte vir ons elkeen: Ons is beplan vir God se behae: Jou eerste doel is om Hom opreg te aanbid; Ons is gevorm vir God se familie: Jou tweede doel is om opregte sielsgemeenskap te ervaar; Ons is geskep om soos Christus te word: Jou derde doel is om opregte dissipelskap te leer; Ons is gevorm om God te dien: Jou vierde doel is om opregte bediening te beoefen; Ons is gemaak vir ’n sending: Jou vyfde doel is om opregte Evangelieprediking uit te leef. Hierdie hersiene en uitgebreide weergawe beklemtoon die vraag: Wat op aarde doen ek hier? Dit is ook die lewensboodskap van Rick Warren, stigterspastor van Saddleback Church. Die boek is in ’n boeiende styl geskryf en in 42 kort hoofstukke (ses weke) ingedeel wat as dagstukkies gelees kan word, deur kleingroepe bestudeer en deur kerke gebruik kan word.

    Rick Warren

    R 255.00

    4 Days Delivery
  • Purpose Driven Life

    Purpose Driven Life

    Discover and fulfill your God-given purpose by joining the more than thirty-five million others who have embarked on a spiritual journey that started with this #1 New York Times bestselling book by Pastor Rick Warren.Before you were born, God knew what your life had in store for you. His hope for you is to discover the life he created just for you--both here on earth, and forever in eternity. Let Rick Warren guide you as you learn to live out your true purpose.The Purpose Driven Life is more than a book; it's a road map for your spiritual journey. Combining thoughtful verses from Scripture with timely stories and perspectives from Warren's own life, The Purpose Driven Life will help you discover the answer to one of life's most important questions: What on earth am I here for?Throughout The Purpose Driven Life, Warren will teach you to spend time getting to know yourself and your creator in order to live your life to the fullest. Unlocking your true purpose will also reduce your stress, simplify your decisions, increase your satisfaction, and, most importantly, prepare you for eternity.Designed to be read over the course of forty-two days, The Purpose Driven Life will help you see the big picture, giving you a fresh perspective on the way that the pieces of your life fit together. Every chapter of The Purpose Driven Life provides a daily meditation and practical steps to help you uncover and live out your purpose, starting with exploring three essential questions:The Question of Existence: Why am I alive?The Question of Significance: Does my life matter?The Question of Purpose: What on earth am I here for?Each copy of The Purpose Driven Life also includes thoughtful discussion questions, audio Bible studies that go along with every chapter, and access to a supportive online community, giving you the opportunity to dive even deeper into each life-changing lesson.

    Rick Warren

    R 409.00

    4 Days Delivery


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