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Irma Venter

Irma Venter is a journalist at a media company in Cape Town. Her first book was published in 2012. She writes books about strong women, interesting men and that fascinating space between right and wrong.

She loves good coffee, expensive dark chocolate, even more expensive whiskey (never a good idea on a journalist’s salary), deserts, airports, labradors, travelling the world and any product made in South Africa #localislekker.

  • Minder as Niks
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    Minder as Niks

    Dertig jaar gelede is Johan Botha lewenslank tronk toe gestuur vir die moord op drie tienermeisies. Terminaal siek en pas vrygelaat, vra hy misdaadjoernalis Ami Prinsloo om hom te help om sy onskuld te bewys. Hoe kan sy nee se? Dis 'n uitstekende storie. En as 'n voormalige swemkampioen met geraamtes in haar eie kas, weet sy hoe dit voel om als te verloor. Om te sukkel om mense in die oe te kyk. Hoe dit voel as iemand na aan jou vermoor word en te weet dat die skuldige nog op vrye voet is . . .

    Irma Venter

    R 340.00

  • Red Tide
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    Red Tide

    A week before getting married, Janien Steyn is found dead on her parents' farm in her wedding dress. Desperate for answers, retired top cop Jaap Reyneke begs Sarah Fourie, a convicted hacker, to help him find out what happened to his niece. Was Janien's death suicide or murder? Why did she erase everything on her laptop? And why was her body arranged so carefully, almost artistically, as if someone was making a statement?

    Irma Venter
  • Man Down
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    Man Down

    In Irma Venter's follow-up to the electric Hard Rain, Ranna returns home after Alex disappears and is forced to remember the night when her father died to solve a long-forgotten crime.

    Irma Venter

    R 360.00

  • Hard Rain
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    Hard Rain

    Journalist Alex Derksen's new assignment in Tanzania should be easy, but he soon finds himself on the wrong side of the news. It starts when he meets Ranna, a beautiful photographer with something to hide. When an IT billionaire washes up onshore after seasonal flooding, he finds himself at the center of an investigation. Should he listen to his heart and help Ranna hide the bloody trail leading to her?

    Irma Venter
  • Verkeerde Vrou
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    Verkeerde Vrou

    Liela Oloffson het alles wat die meeste mense begeer. Skoonheid, roem, en 'n blink loopbaan as aktrise. Maar dan verdwyn sy een Vrydagnag en die polisie moet die media se hulp inroep om haar te vind. Gesoute misdaadjoernalis Ami Prinsloo volg Liela se spoor soos 'n bloedhond van waar sy laas in Johannesburg gesien is, en selfs verder, tot by haar kinderdae. Kruip Liela weg of is sy gekaap? Of dalk ontvoer? En waaroor het sy en haar verloofde so hewig baklei net voor sy verdwyn het?

    Irma Venter

    R 340.00
