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Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer is an author, speaker and practical Bible teacher. She has written over 100 inspirational books, with bestsellers including Making Good Habits, Battlefield of the Mind and The Confident Woman.

  • Jou Stryd Behoort Aan Die Here
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    Jou Stryd Behoort Aan Die Here

    Het jy al ooit gevoel jy het al alles op aarde probeer om 'n probleem op te los, maar dat niks werk nie? Het jy al ooit gewonder waar die moeilikhede wat jou in die gesig staar, vandaan kom? In Jou stryd behoort aan die Here verduidelik Joyce Meyer dat wanneer jy die duiwel - wat werklik is en aktief is in vandag se wereld - as jou ware vyand en die bron van jou probleme raaksien, jy dit kan oorkom en 'n lewe van vrede, vryheid, geloof en oorwinning leef. Wanneer jy die lewe se aanslae in die gesig staar, is daar sekere dinge wat jy vir jouself moet doen, soos om ywerig God se Woord te bestudeer en toe te pas, Hom te vertrou, te bid, ander te help, en 'n gesindheid van vertroue en 'n dankbare hart te handhaaf. Maar daar is ander dinge wat net God kan doen. Wanneer jy jou deel doen, doen God sy deel - en Hy is altyd gereed en gretig om jou te verdedig en te help. Joyce fokus nie net op die aard en strategiee van die vyand in hierdie vars benadering tot geestelike oorlogvoering nie, maar ook op die ware karakter en liefde van God, wat jou altyd na oorwinning sal lei. Ongeag hoe moeilik jou uitdagings ook al is, het jy alles wat jy nodig het om elke stryd te wen - want God is aan jou kant!

    Joyce Meyer

    R 95.00

  • Battlefield Of The Mind
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    Battlefield Of The Mind

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    In celebration of selling 3 million copies, FaithWords is publishing a special updated edition of Battlefield of the Mind. Worry, doubt, confusion, depression, anger and feelings of condemnation: all these are attacks on the mind. If readers suffer from negative thoughts, they can take heart! Joyce Meyer has helped millions win these all-important battles. In her most popular bestseller ever, the beloved author and minister shows readers how to change their lives by changing their minds. She teaches how to deal with thousands of thoughts that people think every day and how to focus the mind the way God thinks. And she shares the trials, tragedies, and ultimate victories from her own marriage, family, and ministry that led her to wondrous, life-transforming truth--and reveals her thoughts and feelings every step of the way. This special updated edition includes an additional introduction and updated content throughout the book.

    Joyce Meyer

    R 219.00

  • Moed Vir Elke Dag: Maak Elke Dag Jou Beste Dag
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    Moed Vir Elke Dag: Maak Elke Dag Jou Beste Dag

    Met die konstante eise en druk van die daaglikse lewe, kan dit moeilik wees om tot stilstand te kom en God te ervaar. Topverkoperskrywer Joyce Meyer se praktiese manier van onderrig in hierdie geestelike oordenkings vir 365 dae sal jou aanmoedig om tyd vir jouself te maak sodat jy Moed vir Elke Dag kan ontvang! Ontvang elke dag nuwe genade en seeninge wanneer jy tyd saam met God spandeer: terwyl jy sy Woord lees, luister en bid om sy leiding. Wanneer jy dit doen, sal God jou versterk en jou in staat stel om die lewe met wysheid en vrede in jou gemoed te hanteer, in plaas daarvan om bloot die dag agter die rug te probeer kry. God sal jou deur moeilike tye verkwik en bemagtig met geduld en hoopvolle verwagting op die goeie dinge wat Hy vir jou beplan. Hierdie boek met dagstukke vir die hele jaar het ook 'n pragtige ontwerk en omslag, en is die ideale geskenk vir die vrou in jou lewe.

    Joyce Meyer

    R 259.00

  • My tyd met God
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    My tyd met God

    Die daaglikse lewe kan uitdagend wees; ons aandag word maklik afgelei deur soveel dinge wat belangrik lyk. Maar om die lewe te leef wat God vir jou beplan het, moet jy tyd maak vir dit wat die belangrikste is, en die fondament van 'n vervulde lewe – jou verhouding met Hom. Oor die verloop van drie jaar het Joyce Meyer in haar joernaal die persoonlike oordenkings en inspirasie neergepen wat haar besige lewe aangevuur het. Daardie oordenkings vorm My tyd met God, 365 dagstukkies wat die leser intieme insig gee in Joyce se geestelike reis. Met hierdie boek bied sy 'n praktiese manier om tyd saam met God deur te bring. Die dagstukkies bevat oordenkings wat spruit uit Joyce se lewe, opbouende verklarings en relevante Skrifgedeeltes om groter nabyheid met God aan te moedig. Die Bybelverse en persoonlike stories wat sy deel sal jou help om groter vreugde en vrede te ervaar danksy jou spesiale tyd met God. Jy sal meer doeltreffend deur die lewe kan gaan, beter besluite kan neem en die wonderlike lewe wat jy bestem was om te he, vir jouself toeeien.

    Joyce Meyer
  • Authentically, Uniquely You
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    Authentically, Uniquely You

    God has given you gifts so you can fulfill His purpose for your life, but if you're like a lot of people, you may not have recognized your talents yet. Start asking God to show you something special about the way He's made you. To some people, He's given a very tender, compassionate heart, and some He has wired to lead others effectively. Others, He has given a gift of being able to communicate clearly, to teach, to make scientific discoveries, or to write beautiful music. Only you can discover all the dynamic gifts He's placed in you. Become Authentically, Uniquely You because God is never going to help you be anyone but yourself. He loves you just as you are. Let God use you, with all your strengths and weaknesses, and transform you from the inside out to do something powerful beyond your wildest dreams.

    Joyce Meyer

    R 310.00

  • Do It Afraid: Embracing Courage In The Face Of Fear
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    Do It Afraid: Embracing Courage In The Face Of Fear

    Fear is the devil's favorite tool in the toolbox of schemes he uses to destroy God's good plan for you. He uses it to hold you back and prevent progress in your relationships, career, and more. In Do It Afraid, Joyce Meyer explains that fear is everywhere and affects everyone. It rules many people, but it doesn't have to rule you any longer. She will teach you how to: • Understand fear and recognize how it works in your life. • Confront those fears that are holding you back. • Change your mindset for lasting freedom from some of the most common fears people face. Remember, courage isn't the absence of fear; it is learning how to move forward in the presence of fear. Courageous people do what they believe in their hearts they should do, no matter how they feel or what doubts fill their minds. When you take ownership of your problems and open your heart to God, He will help bring light into darkness so that you can be free.

    Meyer, Joyce

    R 310.00

  • Confidently You
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    Confidently You

    What keeps women from feeling and being their best? For years, Joyce has been helping women better identify emotional barriers and physical, mental, and spiritual obstacles in their lives. Now she provides another answer: Confidence.Our society has an insecurity epidemic. Women in particular compensate by pretending to be secure--a common response--which only leads to feelings of shame. Lack of self-confidence causes great difficulty in relationships of all kinds, and can even lead to divorce.In Confidently You, Joyce explores the characteristics of a woman with confidence, which include a woman who knows she is loved, who refuses to live in fear, and who does not live by comparisons. Joyce explains that confidence stems from being positive in your actions and living honestly, but most importantly from having faith in God and in ourselves.Derived from material previously published in The Confident Woman.

    Joyce Meyer

    R 206.00

  • Everyday Life Bible
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    Everyday Life Bible

    With practical commentaries, articles, and features, this new amplified version of #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer's popular study Bible will help you live out your faith. In the decade since its original publication, The Everyday Life Bible has sold 1.1 million copies, taking its place as an invaluable resource on the Word of God. Simultaneously, Joyce Meyer's renown as one of the world's leading practical Bible teachers has grown, as she continues to study and teach daily. This new edition updates Joyce's notes and commentary to reflect the changes made in the revision of the Amplified Bible which refreshes the English and refines the amplification for relevance and clarity. The result is The Everyday Life Bible that is now easier to read and better than ever to study, understand, and apply to your everyday life.

    Joyce Meyer

    R 655.00

  • Genesing Vir Elke Vrou: 90 Inspirerende Dagstukkies
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    Genesing Vir Elke Vrou: 90 Inspirerende Dagstukkies

    Ontvang genesing vir jou emosionele wonde en ontdek jou lewensdoel as God se dogter in hierdie 90-dae-dagstukkieboek deur die internasionaal-bekende Joyce Meyer. Genesing vir elke vrou dagstukkies delf diep in Joyce Meyer se eie lewensverhaal en

    Joyce Meyer

    R 177.00

  • Healing the Soul of a Woman Devotional
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    Healing the Soul of a Woman Devotional

    Healing the Soul of a Woman delved deeply into Joyce Meyer’s personal story and the journey of healing for all women. Despite suffering from years of abuse, abandonment and betrayal by those closest to her, Joyce firmly believes a woman who has been deeply hurt by life’s circumstances can be healed, heart and soul. Her steadfast claim comes from living her own journey of soul healing, and from seeing so many women who don’t believe they can fully overcome their pain—or even know where to begin—find the guidance they need in the life-changing wisdom of the Bible. Now, in this companion devotional, Joyce will guide you through 90 daily readings to encourage you through whatever obstacles may be holding you back from finding your true destiny. God can heal your pain, and He wants to do this in you. Let this devotional be an inspiration in your journey towards the wonderful, joyful future God has planned for you.

    Joyce Meyer

    R 206.00

  • Doen Dit Al Is Jy Bang
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    Doen Dit Al Is Jy Bang

    Het jy al ooit gevoel jy het al alles op aarde probeer om 'n probleem op te los, maar dat niks werk nie? Het jy al ooit gewonder waar die moeilikhede wat jou in die gesig staar, vandaan kom? In Doen dit al is jy bang verduidelik Joyce Meyer dat vrees oral is en almal beinvloed. Dit regeer baie mense, maar dit hoef jou nie te regeer nie. Onthou: Moed is nie die afwesigheid van vrees nie. Dis om te leer hoe om voort te gaan te midde van die vrees. Dapper mense doen wat hulle in hul harte glo hulle moet doen, ongeag hoe hulle voel of watter twyfel hulle ook al ervaar. Joyce Meyer moedig lesers aan om eienaarskap van hul probleme te aanvaar en hul harte vir God oop te maak. Dan kan Hy help om lig na die duisternis te bring sodat hulle vry kan wees.

    Joyce Meyer
  • Healing the soul of a woman
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    Healing the soul of a woman

    Internationally renowned Bible teacher Joyce Meyer draws on her own history of abuse to show women how Christ's redeeming love heals emotional wounds and brings joy to life. Can a woman who has been deeply hurt by life's circumstances be healed, heart and soul? If she has been wounded by a man she loved and trusted, can she love and trust again? As a woman who endured years of abuse, abandonment, and betrayal by those closest to her, Joyce Meyer can answer with a resounding "yes!" Meyer's positivity comes from living her own journey, and from seeing so many women who don't believe they can fully overcome their pain--or even know where to begin--find the guidance they need in the life-changing wisdom of the Bible. Meyer's bestseller Beauty for Ashes told of her personal story of healing. Now, with the passage of more time, HEALING THE SOUL OF A WOMAN delves deeper into Joyce's story and the journey of healing for all women. Each chapter guides you through whatever obstacles may be holding you back to find your true destiny as God's beloved. God can heal all pain, and He wants to do this in you. Let HEALING THE SOUL OF A WOMAN be the first step toward the wonderful, joyful future God intends for you.

    Joyce Meyer

    R 309.00

  • Beauty For Ashes
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    Beauty For Ashes

    Many people seem to have it all together, while inside they are devastated. Their past has broken, crushed and wounded them inwardly. But there is hope for inner healing. Isaiah 61 reveals that the Lord came to heal the brokenhearted. Joyce Meyer speaks from experience. As a child she was a victim of physical and sexual abuse, yet today she has a worldwide ministry of emotional healing to others like herself. Beauty for Ashes describes the truths that brought healing to her life and explains how you too can experience God's healing. In Beauty for Ashes you will learn: how to deal with the emotional pain of abuse; how to understand your responsibility towards emotional healing; why victims of abuse often suffer from other addictive behaviours; how to grab hold of God's unconditional love; and the importance of God's timing in working through painful memories.

    Joyce Meyer

    R 155.00

  • The Pathway to Success
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    The Pathway to Success

    The world tells us that having a good job, owning your own business, money, fame, and influence are all important for a successful life. If we don’t have them, we feel like a failure. But even when we achieve them, we still end up unhappy, unfulfilled, or lonely. God wants us to be successful, but His definition of success is not the same as the world's definition. The truth is, God’s way of achieving the dreams and desires that truly fulfill us and bring genuine joy to our lives is very different—and that is what we need. In The Pathway to Success, you will discover a deeper understanding of what it means to seek success God's way. Through her practical, relatable insights based on God’s Word, beloved Bible teacher Joyce Meyer reveals how to actively pursue the keys to true, lasting success. Full of rich encouragement and timeless wisdom, The Pathway to Success will allow you to refocus your life and fulfill your God-given destiny as you walk out the purpose He’s planned for you.

    Joyce Meyer

    R 385.00R 275.00

    Great Value Books
  • Strength For Each Day
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    Strength For Each Day

    Find new mercies and blessings each day when you spend time with God: reading His Word, listening, and praying for His direction. When you do, God will strengthen and enable you to handle life peacefully and wisely instead of merely trying to get through the day. He will renew your strength and empower you to bear up under trials with patience, so you can experience them with a good attitude. Maintaining a positive view in the midst of something unpleasant is the key to victory, and it enables you to enjoy the journey! With the constant demands and pressures of daily life, it can be hard to regularly pause to be with and listen to God's voice. Joyce's practical teaching format in this 365-day devotional will encourage you to take the time for yourself so that you can receive Strength for Each Day!

    Joyce Meyer

    R 300.00

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    Power Of Thank You: Discover The Joy Of Gratitude

    Each moment that you’re given is a precious gift from God. You can choose to have a thankful attitude and live each moment full of joy, simply because God is good. In The Power of Thank You, renowned Bible teacher and #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer encourages us to take a look at ourselves and the importance of being thankful. Living life with a heart of gratitude for who God is and what He has done lifts your burdens and allows you to see everything in a different light. Regularly giving thanks to God not only helps you fully realize how He’s working in your life, it gives you a new perspective—your mind is renewed, your attitude is improved, and you're filled with joy. Things will certainly happen to you that don’t seem fair, and it’s much easier to make excuses and feel sorry for yourself. Keep saying, “I trust You, God, and I believe You will work it all out for my good.” If you find The Power of Thank You in every situation, truly believing that God is working everything out for your good, you will end up with the victory every single time.

    Joyce Meyer

    R 280.00

  • Your Battles Belong to the Lord
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    Your Battles Belong to the Lord

    Know Your Enemy and Be More Than a Conqueror. In Your Battles Belong to the Lord, Meyer explains that while some problems may result from a person's choices or circumstances, others are rooted in the spiritual realm. Once you recognize the devil--who is real and active in the world today--as your true enemy and the source of many of your struggles, you can overcome them and live a life of peace, freedom, faith and victory. When facing life's battles, there are certain things you must do for yourself, such as: Diligently studying and applying God's Word; Trusting Him; Praying; Maintaining a positive attitude and thankful heart.

    Joyce Meyer