Joanne Hichens lost first her mother, then, in quick succession, her husband, her father and her mother-in-law - two deaths anticipated, two coming as the worst kind of shock. In this memoir of grief and recovery, she writes with honesty and humour of death, our 'constant companion', and the stumbling journey through the country of grief. By turns searing and sparkling, her account gives compelling insight into the losses that stalk us all, while also celebrating the mainstays of life - friendship, family, and the memories of those we love and lose.
CONTRIBUTORS: Joanne Hichens
EAN: 9780994680556
COUNTRY: South Africa
WEIGHT: 500 g
HEIGHT: 230 cm
PUBLISHED BY: Karavan Press
GENRE: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs, HUMOR / General, SELF-HELP / Death, Grief, Bereavement
WIDTH: 150 cm
Book Themes:
Memoirs, Coping with / advice about death and bereavement, Humour
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