Formally ambidextrous, teethed with wit and uncompromising dignity." – Ocean VuongBread and Circus is a hybrid and palimpsestic memoir-in-verse: it combines poetry, photography and spectral imaging to explore the realities of economic necessity and marginal poverty through a personal lens.Examining the experience of the US urban Black community from a variety of perspectives, it draws heavily on the author’s archival research on Adam Smith, the eighteenth-century Scottish economist, as well as his magnum opus, The Wealth of Nations.As the perspective shifts from watchful child, to teacher, mother, writer and citizen, Bread and Circus asks what it is to have survived, indeed to have flourished, and at what cost.
CONTRIBUTORS: Airea D. MatthewsEAN: 9781035000821COUNTRY: United KingdomPAGES: WEIGHT: 0 gHEIGHT: 197 cm
Book Themes:
Poetry by individual poets
"This book enacts, with tenderness and intelligence, an erudition that matches the capacious love of its ambitions. Formally ambidextrous, teethed with wit and uncompromising dignity, Matthews engages the archive as a breathing document, refusing to let history be done with itself, and thereby accomplishes what I love most about poetry— especially hers—that it lives, is living.", "Matthews's writing is bold, innovative and complex.", "Matthews is virtuosic, frantic, and darkly, very darkly, funny.", "Matthews has earned a place in the accomplished company of Adrienne Rich and Muriel Rukeyser."
Airea D. Matthews is Philadelphia’s current poet laureate. Her first collection of poems, the critically acclaimed Simulacra, won the 2016 Yale Series of Younger Poets Award. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, Gulf Coast, VQR, Best American Poets, American Poet, LitHub, Harvard Review, and elsewhere. Matthews holds a BA in economics from the University of Pennsylvania as well as an MFA from the Helen Zell Writers’ Program and an MPA from the Gerald Ford School of Public Policy, both at the University of Michigan. A Pew fellow, she is a professor and directs the poetry program at Bryn Mawr College.
Book Partnerships
For the Fans
Formally ambidextrous, teethed with wit and uncompromising dignity." – Ocean VuongBread and Circus is a hybrid and palimpsestic memoir-in-verse: it combines poetry, photography and spectral imaging to explore the realities of economic necessity and marginal poverty through a personal lens.Examining the experience of the US urban Black community from a variety of perspectives, it draws heavily on the author’s archival research on Adam Smith, the eighteenth-century Scottish economist, as well as his magnum opus, The Wealth of Nations.As the perspective shifts from watchful child, to teacher, mother, writer and citizen, Bread and Circus asks what it is to have survived, indeed to have flourished, and at what cost.
CONTRIBUTORS: Airea D. MatthewsEAN: 9781035000821COUNTRY: United KingdomPAGES: WEIGHT: 0 gHEIGHT: 197 cm
Airea D. Matthews is Philadelphia’s current poet laureate. Her first collection of poems, the critically acclaimed Simulacra, won the 2016 Yale Series of Younger Poets Award. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, Gulf Coast, VQR, Best American Poets, American Poet, LitHub, Harvard Review, and elsewhere. Matthews holds a BA in economics from the University of Pennsylvania as well as an MFA from the Helen Zell Writers’ Program and an MPA from the Gerald Ford School of Public Policy, both at the University of Michigan. A Pew fellow, she is a professor and directs the poetry program at Bryn Mawr College.
In Die vyf susters maak speurder Adriaan Kruger sy buiging saam met Alex Muller, ’n skryfnaam van die suksesvolle Eleanor Baker. Ek was nogal gretig om dit te lees en die hoop het glad nie beskaam nie.
Die verhaal open met ’n toneel wat die tafel dek vir ’n moordraaisel wat wil herinner aan Agatha Christie op haar beste. Daar is vyf ongetroude susters wat ’n afgesonderde lewe lei in ’n verwaarloosde huis, maar nou is die oudste van hulle “soos ’n lappop, slordig en minagtend op die vloer neergegooi” (p. 5) Rosa, die dominerende leier van die susters, het beswyk aan ’n skietwond aan die kop. Drie van die susters is oënskynlik in skok, die jongste een baie kalm.
Die ondersoek van die saak laat vir Adriaan Kruger sy loopbaankeuse betwyfel. Hy word geskets as ’n ordentlike man wat reken dat hy dalk objektiwiteit kortkom, maar tog skerper kyk as wat die susters sou vermoed. Dit word duidelik dat elkeen van die susters verdagtes kan wees, want Rosa was geensins geliefd by haar sibbe nie. Dan is daar nog verdere randkarakters wat eweneens motiewe kan hê om haar van kant te maak.
Hierdie is die eerste van vyf speurverhale wat tussen 1998 en 2003 verskyn het uit die pen van Eleanor Baker as Alex Muller. Die heruitgawe wat sopas uitgegee is deur Human & Rousseau, spog met ’n splinternuwe baadjie wat die aandag vestig op die belangrike element, naamlik die vuurwapen wat aan die speurder ’n interessante uitdaging gestel het.
Human & Rousseau is ’n druknaam van NB Uitgewers.