Following on from the adventures in Frostfire, Ice Kissed is the second instalment in the Kanin Chronicles by Amanda Hocking, set in the same fantastical world as her million copy bestselling Trylle trilogy.Bryn Aven is still struggling with her burgeoning relationship with Ridley. She's also set on completing her mission to find the missing Skojare Queen. But when they do finally discover what happened, Bryn finds out that things are much more complicated than she'd originally thought. And as she gets closer to the truth, Bryn is framed for the murder of the Kanin King himself. She ends up on the run, as home holds too few answers and no solutions.
CONTRIBUTORS: Amanda HockingEAN: 9781447256823COUNTRY: United KingdomPAGES: WEIGHT: 222 gHEIGHT: 198 cm
PUBLISHED BY: Pan MacmillanDATE PUBLISHED: CITY: GENRE: YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Action & Adventure / General, YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Fantasy / Contemporary, YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Romance / ParanormalWIDTH: 130 cmSPINE:
Book Themes:
Children’s / Teenage fiction: Fantasy romance
Her character-driven books, which feature trolls, hobgoblins and fairy-tale elements and keep the pages turning, have generated an excitement not felt in the industry since Stephenie Meyer or perhaps even J. K. Rowling, A fast-paced romance . . . addictive, Drew me in and kept me hooked ... It has action, mystery and, thanks to a feisty heroine and brooding hero, there's a good deal of romantic tension, A paranormal romance as addictive as Twilight
Amanda Hocking lives in Minnesota, had never sold a book before April 2010 and has now sold her millionth. She is now 'the most spectacular example of an author striking gold through ebooks' - Observer. She is the author of several phenomenally successful series, including, My Blood Approves series, the Trylle series and the Kanin Chronicles, set in the same world as Trylle. She is also the author of the standalone novel, Freeks. In her own words, Amanda is an 'Obsessive Tweeter. John Hughes mourner. Batman devotee. Muppets activist. Unicorn enthusiast.
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For the Fans
Following on from the adventures in Frostfire, Ice Kissed is the second instalment in the Kanin Chronicles by Amanda Hocking, set in the same fantastical world as her million copy bestselling Trylle trilogy.Bryn Aven is still struggling with her burgeoning relationship with Ridley. She's also set on completing her mission to find the missing Skojare Queen. But when they do finally discover what happened, Bryn finds out that things are much more complicated than she'd originally thought. And as she gets closer to the truth, Bryn is framed for the murder of the Kanin King himself. She ends up on the run, as home holds too few answers and no solutions.
CONTRIBUTORS: Amanda HockingEAN: 9781447256823COUNTRY: United KingdomPAGES: WEIGHT: 222 gHEIGHT: 198 cm
PUBLISHED BY: Pan MacmillanDATE PUBLISHED: CITY: GENRE: YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Action & Adventure / General, YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Fantasy / Contemporary, YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Romance / ParanormalWIDTH: 130 cmSPINE:
Amanda Hocking lives in Minnesota, had never sold a book before April 2010 and has now sold her millionth. She is now 'the most spectacular example of an author striking gold through ebooks' - Observer. She is the author of several phenomenally successful series, including, My Blood Approves series, the Trylle series and the Kanin Chronicles, set in the same world as Trylle. She is also the author of the standalone novel, Freeks. In her own words, Amanda is an 'Obsessive Tweeter. John Hughes mourner. Batman devotee. Muppets activist. Unicorn enthusiast.
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I totally love the cook book. It has beautiful, tasty and easy to follow recipes. The pictures that she added tell a beautiful story and are the cherry 🍒 on top for me. It is a beautiful and colourful book just like Chef Nti. It is totally worth buying
The book was well written and gave me an insight of who God is and what God can do through the narrated life story of Rorisang. It was a beautiful read.