A marvelous hybrid of mythology and mystery, A Wild Sheep Chase is the extraordinary literary thriller that launched Haruki Murakami’s international reputation.It begins simply enough: A twenty-something advertising executive receives a postcard from a friend, and casually appropriates the image for an insurance company’s advertisement. What he doesn’t realise is that included in the pastoral scene is a mutant sheep with a star on its back, and in using this photo he has unwittingly captured the attention of a man in black who offers a menacing ultimatum: find the sheep or face dire consequences. Thus begins a surreal and elaborate quest that takes our hero from the urban haunts of Tokyo to the remote and snowy mountains of northern Japan, where he confronts not only the mythological sheep, but the confines of tradition and the demons deep within himself. Quirky and utterly captivating, A Wild Sheep Chase is Murakami at his astounding best.'A Wild Sheep Chase has the conventional hull of a thriller - a quest, a mystery, an extraordinary woman, and plenty of elegant duress - but its fantastic superstructure transforms it into something quite different...a science fiction fantasy, a romance, a metaphysical tease, or a dramatisation of philosophical ideas' Independent
CONTRIBUTORS: Haruki MurakamiEAN: 9780099448778COUNTRY: United KingdomPAGES: WEIGHT: 213 gHEIGHT: 198 cm
PUBLISHED BY: Vintage PublishingDATE PUBLISHED: CITY: GENRE: FICTION / Action & Adventure, FICTION / Literary, FICTION / Thrillers / General, FICTION / Magical Realism, FICTION / World Literature / JapanWIDTH: 129 cmSPINE:
Book Themes:
Modern and contemporary fiction: general and literary
Wonderfully easy to read and just as wonderfully difficult to make sense of...like the narrator, who slowly accepts the presence in his life of mystery, we slowly recognize the possibility of a new kind of world. Like him, we lean forward and topple headlong into magic, It begins as a detective novel, dips into a screwball comedy, and at its close becomes a tale of possession...A highly accomplished piece of craftsmanship, Mr. Murakami's style and imagination are closer to that of Kurt Vonnegut, Raymond Carver and John Irving, A Wild Sheep Chase has the conventional hull of a thriller - a quest, a mystery, an extraordinary woman, and plenty of elegant duress - but its fantastic superstructure transforms it into something quite different...a science fiction fantasy, a romance, a metaphysical tease, or a dramatisation of philosophical ideas, If you consider yourself an intelligent, sensitive common reader but wish to accommodate something a little removed from your experience, and probably your imagination, I dare you to turn your eyes towards Murakami and head off on a wild sheep chase.
In 1978, Haruki Murakami was 29 and running a jazz bar in downtown Tokyo. One April day, the impulse to write a novel came to him suddenly while watching a baseball game. That first novel, Hear the Wind Sing, won a new writers’ award and was published the following year. More followed, including A Wild Sheep Chase and Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, but it was Norwegian Wood, published in 1987, which turned Murakami from a writer into a phenomenon. His books became bestsellers, were translated into many languages, including English, and the door was thrown wide open to Murakami’s unique and addictive fictional universe.Murakami writes with admirable discipline, producing ten pages a day, after which he runs ten kilometres (he began long-distance running in 1982 and has participated in numerous marathons and races), works on translations, and then reads, listens to records and cooks. His passions colour his non-fiction output, from What I Talk About When I Talk About Running to Absolutely On Music, and they also seep into his novels and short stories, providing quotidian moments in his otherwise freewheeling flights of imaginative inquiry. In works such as The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, 1Q84 and Men Without Women, his distinctive blend of the mysterious and the everyday, of melancholy and humour, continues to enchant readers, ensuring Murakami’s place as one of the world’s most acclaimed and well-loved writers.
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For the Fans
A marvelous hybrid of mythology and mystery, A Wild Sheep Chase is the extraordinary literary thriller that launched Haruki Murakami’s international reputation.It begins simply enough: A twenty-something advertising executive receives a postcard from a friend, and casually appropriates the image for an insurance company’s advertisement. What he doesn’t realise is that included in the pastoral scene is a mutant sheep with a star on its back, and in using this photo he has unwittingly captured the attention of a man in black who offers a menacing ultimatum: find the sheep or face dire consequences. Thus begins a surreal and elaborate quest that takes our hero from the urban haunts of Tokyo to the remote and snowy mountains of northern Japan, where he confronts not only the mythological sheep, but the confines of tradition and the demons deep within himself. Quirky and utterly captivating, A Wild Sheep Chase is Murakami at his astounding best.'A Wild Sheep Chase has the conventional hull of a thriller - a quest, a mystery, an extraordinary woman, and plenty of elegant duress - but its fantastic superstructure transforms it into something quite different...a science fiction fantasy, a romance, a metaphysical tease, or a dramatisation of philosophical ideas' Independent
CONTRIBUTORS: Haruki MurakamiEAN: 9780099448778COUNTRY: United KingdomPAGES: WEIGHT: 213 gHEIGHT: 198 cm
PUBLISHED BY: Vintage PublishingDATE PUBLISHED: CITY: GENRE: FICTION / Action & Adventure, FICTION / Literary, FICTION / Thrillers / General, FICTION / Magical Realism, FICTION / World Literature / JapanWIDTH: 129 cmSPINE:
Book Themes:
Modern and contemporary fiction: general and literary
In 1978, Haruki Murakami was 29 and running a jazz bar in downtown Tokyo. One April day, the impulse to write a novel came to him suddenly while watching a baseball game. That first novel, Hear the Wind Sing, won a new writers’ award and was published the following year. More followed, including A Wild Sheep Chase and Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, but it was Norwegian Wood, published in 1987, which turned Murakami from a writer into a phenomenon. His books became bestsellers, were translated into many languages, including English, and the door was thrown wide open to Murakami’s unique and addictive fictional universe.Murakami writes with admirable discipline, producing ten pages a day, after which he runs ten kilometres (he began long-distance running in 1982 and has participated in numerous marathons and races), works on translations, and then reads, listens to records and cooks. His passions colour his non-fiction output, from What I Talk About When I Talk About Running to Absolutely On Music, and they also seep into his novels and short stories, providing quotidian moments in his otherwise freewheeling flights of imaginative inquiry. In works such as The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, 1Q84 and Men Without Women, his distinctive blend of the mysterious and the everyday, of melancholy and humour, continues to enchant readers, ensuring Murakami’s place as one of the world’s most acclaimed and well-loved writers.
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The small-town life of a family is turned upside down by an heroic deed
I might be one of very few avid readers of crime and suspense novels that have up to now never read a book by James Patterson. Granted, I mostly read this genre in Afrikaans, which could explain it. Having confessed to this fact, I can thus state that the very first words I read, penned by this author, was: “THIS IS HOW I lost David.” (p. 5)
An extremely effective hook, open to wide speculation. Which is exactly what I did over the first couple of intense pages. The depth of the statement becomes even more apparent as the story unfolds with many unexpected turns in the plot. The small-town life of the Bowers family is turned upside down after David rescues a man from a river. Marcie is a family lawyer, and David the owner of the local pub.
The reader is led to question the reason behind strange things happening to the parents and their two children. Does it relate to Marcie’s former job defending high profile criminals, or is the implied money laundering by David the source of the escalating problems? The author manages to keep the reader guessing and surprised right up the conclusion of this riveting novel.
I loved the large print, which is soft on the eyes and allowed me to read effortless for rather lengthy stretches, managing to cover the book in good time. I also appreciated the fact that very little foul language was used. I will no doubt read this author again in future.
Lies he told me was published by Century, part of the Penguin Random House group. It is distributed in South African by Penguin Random House SA.
Stap deur die Bybel in 2025 met hierdie feesuitgawe
In lyn met die verwagting vir hierdie tyd van die jaar, verskyn daar tans meerdere boeke met dagstukkies vir die nuwe jaar wat aangesnel kom. Die teikengehore verskil, hoewel dit almal gemik is om aanvullend tot persoonlike stiltetyd gebruik te word, of selfs in kleingroep verband. Ek het ’n paar onder oë gekry wat beslis meer aanklank gaan vind by vroulike lesers, een van Luca en een van Lux Verbi.
Die tweede een uit die Lux Verbi-stal is egter ideaal vir gesinne, hetsy persoonlike Bybelstudie of vir huisgodsdiens, asook Bybelstudiegroepe. Dit is natuurlik die immergewilde Uit die Beek, en op die koop toe ’n spesiale uitgawe om 100 jaar te gedenk. Sedert die eerste uitgawe ’n eeu gelede verskyn het uit die pen van Ds Attie van Wijk, het sy twee seuns hom ná ’n vrugbare tyd van veertig jaar, opgevolg as skrywers van die dagstukboeke wat toe reeds tradisioneel in huise gelees is. Ander skrywers het gevolg. Hierdie feesuitgawe, wat as ’n versamelaarsitem beskou kan word, is soos die afgelope jare sedert 2018, die pennevrug van die bekende Barend Vos, skrywer van Bybelromans waaronder Rut & Boas, en Kanaän.
Die motivering was uit die staanspoor om lesers te inspireer om wyer te lees in die Bybel as enkele teksverse. Dit word dan ook vanjaar voortgesit deur die hele Bybel te dek en te groepeer onder die twaalf maande. Aanvullend tot die daaglikse skriflesing, die gewone boodskap en die gebed, word daar telkens aanvullende skrifgedeeltes voorgestel in voetnotas onder die opskrif: “Lees later”. Die getroue leser word dus begelei om groot gedeeltes van die Bybel in 2025 te lees en te oordink.
Soos die maande vorder, besoek die leser dan afwisselend die Ou Testament en die Nuwe Testament. Daar is ook spesiale aandag gegee aan die kerkkalender, wat insluit Lydenstyd, Paastyd, Pinkster en Advent.
Uit die Beek 2025 is uitgegee deur Lux Verbi, die geestelike druknaam van NB Uitgewers
Jeug van álle ouderdomme kan gerus hierdie roman met die oulike titel nadertrek, sou jy lus voel vir ’n heerlike storie wat lekker lees en jou soms sommer hardop laat lag. Met Ons laaste legendariese somer is Fanie Viljoen weereens in die kol en dit besorg aan hom die gesogte wenprys in die Lapa Jeugroman kompetisie van 2024.
“Besef julle hierdie Desember is legit ons laaste ordentlike somervakansie?” (p. 20) Wanneer hierdie realiteit tot Tobi deurdring, kos dit nie veel oorreding om sy twee vriende, Dean en Rowan, oor te haal vir ’n “epic” seevakansie nie, net hulle drie ouens. Reëls word neergelê: geen bakleiery, almal doen alles saam en geen meisies.
Ongelukkig was daar ook geen ordentlike beplanning nie, want hulle bestemming in Vleesbaai blyk toe nie te wees wat Tobi verwag het nie. Daar loop genoeg dinge skeef om al die reëls in die stof te laat byt, en hulle spring tronkselle rakelings vry. Proppies, die hond, veroorsaak minder moeilikheid as wat ek gevrees het, maar dan is daar Mistral, die perd, wat geen ontsag het vir ’n romantiese piekniek nie.
Legendaries was dit beslis. Sommer vroeg het dit gelyk na ’n “laaste legendariese, verlore droom,” (p. 31), nog later dreig “’n Legendariese dood.” (p.149) en natuurlik was daar die legendariese soen. En planne vir die toekoms
I read the book in Afrikaans, 'n Ewige Kroon, and share my views:
Ek het ’n paar dae gelede ’n boek opgetel wat al geruime tyd op my rak lê. Gou was my gewaarwording: hoekom het ek so lank gewag om dit te begin lees? Hoewel dit die skrywer, eerder bekend vir haar titels en skoonheid, se debuutwerk is, is haar memoir boeiend wat inhoud en skryfstyl aanbetref. Die lywige eindnotas en erkennings dui daarop dat sy hierdie stuk skryfwerk nie sommer lukraak aangepak het nie.
Mense sal die naam, Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters onthou as Mej. Suid-Afrika en Mej. Heelal van 2017. Sy is in 2020 getroud met Tim Tebow, ’n bekende Amerikaanse voetbalspeler en verder bekend vir die werk van die Tim Tebow Foundation.
Die skrywer begin haar verhaal by die kroningsplegtigheid van haar opvolger as Mej. Heelal. Die oomblik wat sy die skitterende kroon oorhandig het en van die verhoog afstap, het sy besef dat sy haar identiteit gevind het in haar kroon en titel. Sy neem die leser op ’n insiggewende reis deur die volgende jare, tot by die punt waar sy glo en verklaar: “’n Onverganklike of ’n ewige kroon is die bewys van jou God-vertroue. Jy weet wie jy in Hom is;” (p.241) Deurentyd verwys sy terug na grepe uit haar kinderjare, haar familie, en in besonder haar gestremde kleinsus, om sodanig ’n volledige prentjie te skilder van die mens, Demi-Leigh.
Die boek is baie prakties. Sy verdeel dit in vier dele wat sy heel gepas noem: Delf, Plant, Groei en Floreer. Telkens word die leser uitgedaag om te besin oor jou eie verhaal, items af te merk op ’n lysie wat sy saamstel uit die voorafgaande bespreking, om praktiese dinge neer te skryf wat jou kan help om jou fokus te verskuif weg van mense, en jou vertroue in God te stel.
Sy kyk nugter na haar tyd as Mej. Heelal, wat sy noem: “’n opwindende, onvergeetlike en betekenisvolle jaar, én ’n baie goedbestuurde rotteresies.” (p. 27). Sy is eerlik oor haar vrese en teleurstellings, maar sy verklaar: “Elke tree agteruit gee jou ’n hupstoot vir die volgende tree vorentoe.” (p. 106)
Dit was veral die hoofstuk oor uitstel en perfeksionisme, wat my laat besef het dat ek nog nie klaar is met hierdie boek nie. Daar is ontsettend baie pitkos agter hierdie pragtige buiteblad. Haar lewensfilosofie is een van geborge wees in die volmaakte persoon van Jesus en só ’n kroon te dra wat nie sal verwelk nie.
’n Ewige Kroon is ’n publikasie van Lux Verbi, die geestelike druknaam van NB Uitgewers.
This book is very informative. It gives a clear distinction between religion and spirituality, which unfortunately has been a gray area for both ordinary people and many scholars. I thank Dr Radebe for this work, it is very refreshing to find a book about African spirituality (not religion) that is written from the perspective of a spiritually gifted individual while they are still alive.