Children, Young People and Dark Tourism
This book is the first its kind to offer an innovative examination of the intersecting influences, contexts, and challenges within the field of children’s dark tourism. It also outlines novel conceptualizations and methods for scholarship in this overlooked field.Presently, tourism research, and in dark tourism specifically, relies primarily on adult-centered theories and data collection methods. However, these approaches are inadequate for understanding and developing children’s experiences and perspectives. This book seeks to inform and inspire research on children’s experiences of dark tourism. Designed to appeal to students and scholars, it brings together insights from leading experts. The book focuses on five themes, to explore the conceptual and historic origins of children’s dark tourism, developmental contexts, child perspectives, specific contexts relevant to children’s encounters, and methodological approaches. This book is aimed at an international array of scholars and students with inherent research interests in the contemporary commodification of death and ‘difficult heritage’ within the visitor economy. Thus, the book will provide a multi-disciplinary scope within the fields of history, heritage studies, childhood studies, psychology, education, sociology, human geography, and tourism studies. The volume is primarily intended for undergraduate and postgraduate study, as well as scholars and tourism professionals.
R 6,096.00
Children, Human Rights and Temporary Labour Migration
This book focuses on the neglected yet critical issue of how the global migration of millions of parents as low-waged migrant workers impacts the rights of their children under international human rights law. The work provides a systematic analysis and critique of how the restrictive features of policies governing temporary labour migration interfere with provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child that protect the child-parent relationship and parental role in children’s lives. Combining social and legal research, it identifies both potential harms to children’s well-being caused by prolonged child-parent separation and State duties to protect this relationship, which is deliberately disrupted by temporary labour migration policies. The book boldly argues that States benefitting from the labour of migrant workers share responsibility under international human rights law to mitigate harms to the children of these workers, including by supporting effective measures to maintain transnational child-parent relationships. It identifies measures to incorporate children’s best interests into temporary labour migration policies, offering ways to reduce interferences with children’s family rights. This book fills a gap that emerges at the intersection of child rights studies, migration research and existing literature on the purported nexus between labour migration and international development. It will be a valuable resource for academics, researchers and policymakers working in these areas.The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license
R 6,096.00
Children, Citizenship and Environment
In this significantly revised second edition of Bronwyn Hayward’s acclaimed book Children Citizenship and Environment, she examines how students, with teachers, parents, and other activists, can learn to take effective action to confront the complex drivers of the current climate crisis including: economic and social injustice, colonialism and racism. The global school strikes demand adults, governments, and businesses take far-reaching action in response to our climate crisis. The school strikes also remind us why this important youthful activism urgently needs the support of all generations. The #SchoolStrike edition of Children Citizenship and Environment includes all new contributions by youth, indigenous and disability activists, researchers and educators: Raven Cretney, Mehedi Hasan, Sylvia Nissen, Jocelyn Papprill, Kate Prendergast, Kera Sherwood O’ Regan, Mia Sutherland, Amanda Thomas, Sara Tolbert, Sarah Thomson, Josiah Tualamali'i, and Amelia Woods.As controversial, yet ultimately hopeful, as it was when first published, Bronwyn Hayward develops her ‘SEEDS’ model of ‘strong ecological citizenship’ for a school strike generation. The SEEDS of citizenship education encourage students to develop skills for; Social agency, Environmental education, Embedded justice, Decentred deliberation and Self-transcendence. This approach to citizenship supports young citizens’ democratic imagination and develops their ‘handprint’ for social justice.This ground-breaking book will be of interest to a wide audience, in particular teachers and professionals who work in Environmental Citizenship Education, as well as students and community activists with an interest in environmental change, democracy and intergenerational justice.
R 1,283.00
Children, Citizenship and Environment
In this significantly revised second edition of Bronwyn Hayward’s acclaimed book Children Citizenship and Environment, she examines how students, with teachers, parents, and other activists, can learn to take effective action to confront the complex drivers of the current climate crisis including: economic and social injustice, colonialism and racism. The global school strikes demand adults, governments, and businesses take far-reaching action in response to our climate crisis. The school strikes also remind us why this important youthful activism urgently needs the support of all generations. The #SchoolStrike edition of Children Citizenship and Environment includes all new contributions by youth, indigenous and disability activists, researchers and educators: Raven Cretney, Mehedi Hasan, Sylvia Nissen, Jocelyn Papprill, Kate Prendergast, Kera Sherwood O’ Regan, Mia Sutherland, Amanda Thomas, Sara Tolbert, Sarah Thomson, Josiah Tualamali'i, and Amelia Woods.As controversial, yet ultimately hopeful, as it was when first published, Bronwyn Hayward develops her ‘SEEDS’ model of ‘strong ecological citizenship’ for a school strike generation. The SEEDS of citizenship education encourage students to develop skills for; Social agency, Environmental education, Embedded justice, Decentred deliberation and Self-transcendence. This approach to citizenship supports young citizens’ democratic imagination and develops their ‘handprint’ for social justice.This ground-breaking book will be of interest to a wide audience, in particular teachers and professionals who work in Environmental Citizenship Education, as well as students and community activists with an interest in environmental change, democracy and intergenerational justice.
R 6,096.00
Children, Young People and Care
The very notions of childhood and youth are intimately connected to contemporary norms, practices and spaces of care, caring and care-giving. The provision of care is widely figured as both the primary responsibility of parents, carers and practitioners who work with children and young people, and the primary factor in shaping children and young people’s development, education, socialisation, wellbeing and contentment. However, children and young people themselves are rarely figured as key actors in the provision of care. An overwhelming presumption that children and young people are to be cared for has effectively marginalised their agency and responsibilities as carers, or in relation to practices and spaces of care.Bringing together a significant array of multidisciplinary work on children, young people and families, this collection draws together new research on the diverse lives and experiences of children and young people as carers, as cared for, and in relation to spaces and institutions of care. It is the first collection specifically devoted to the subject of care in relation to childhood and youth. As such, the book will be a key resource for academics, practitioners and students seeking leading-edge empirical and conceptual material on this topic.
R 1,998.00
Children,Family and the State
This study of children's participation in decisions about their care draws on recent work in sociology and anthropology, psychology and legal philosophy in order to understand this challenging area of social life. It also reports on original and groundbreaking research into children's views of decision-making processes. The book has important theoretical implications and important lessons for social welfare policy and practice. It will be of interest to those involved in childhood studies or in qualitative research methods, as well as in social welfare provision.
R 3,725.00
Children, Health, and Learning
This book examines the critical, historical, and contemporary linkages between health and learning, reviews the best practices, and makes resources available for practitioners.What is the relationship between health and learning vis-à-vis theory, research, and practice? The purpose of this book is to examine the critical, historical, and contemporary linkages between health and learning, to review the best practices, and to make resources available for practitioners. Walsh and Murphy review current and historical efforts to provide health services to school children and youth. A list of print and nonprint resources for professionals, parents, and school administrators is provided.
R 2,509.00
Children, Ethics, and Modern Medicine
"Because the discipline of medical ethics has developed with autonomy as its foundation, the field has ignored pediatric ethics. The book is resoundingly successful in its effort to rectify this problem. . . . [A] pleasure to read." —Eric D. Kodish, M.D., Director, Rainbow Center for Pediatric Ethics, Case Western Reserve UniversityUsing a form of medical ethnography to investigate a variety of pediatric contexts, Richard B. Miller tests the fit of different ethical approaches in various medical settings to arrive at a new paradigm for how best to care for children. Miller contends that the principle of beneficence must take priority over autonomy in the treatment of children. Yet what is best for the child is a decision that doctors cannot make alone. In making and implementing such decisions, Miller argues, doctors must become part of a "therapeutic alliance" with families and the child undergoing medical care to come up with the best solution.Children, Ethics, and Modern Medicine combines strong philosophical argumentation with firsthand knowledge of the issues facing children and families in pediatric care. This book will be an invaluable asset to medical ethicists and practitioners in pediatric care, as well as parents struggling with ethical issues in the care of their children.
R 1,052.00
Children, Gender, Video Games
Placing gender at the centre of the debate about young children and multimedia, particularly video games, the book develops a relational approach to game play using an account of affect. The book explores central issues of violence and parental regulation and argues that economic relations are not remote from the micro relations of playing.
R 3,725.00
Children, Gender, Video Games
Placing gender at the centre of the debate about young children and multimedia, particularly video games, the book develops a relational approach to game play using an account of affect. The book explores central issues of violence and parental regulation and argues that economic relations are not remote from the micro relations of playing.
R 3,725.00
Children, Media and Playground Cultures
Drawing on ethnographic accounts of children's media-referenced play, this book explores children's engagement with media cultures and playground experiences, analyzing a range of issues such as learning, fantasy, communication and identity.
R 1,863.00
Children, Morality and Society
This book explores the extent to which children engage with questions of morality, arguing that they are active members of society who have both the capacity and understanding to engage with discourses of morality.
R 1,863.00
Children, Memory, and Family Identity in Roman Culture
Investigations into the daily life of Roman families show that children were key actors in the process of the construction of social memory: they were the pivotal point of the transmission of family tradition and values in both elite and non-elite families. This collection of essays draws together the perspectives of various disciplines to provide a multifaceted picture of the Roman family based on a wide range of evidence drawn from the 1st century BCE to LateAntiquity and the Christian period. The contributors define the notion of memory, discuss the role of children in the transmission of social memory and social identities, and also deal with threats to familial memory, in the cases of children deliberately or accidentally excluded from tradition, longbelieved to be invisible, such as those born at home to slaves, or outcast because of illness or their unusual status, for example as the offspring of an incestuous relationship.
R 6,792.00
Oxford Textbook of Global Health of Women, Newborns, Children, and Adolescents
Each year there are 10 million deaths among newborns (including stillbirths), children, and adolescents, as well as from maternal causes. These deaths are mostly preventable with existing interventions - a major injustice in todays world. The vast majority happen in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, yet the dangers facing women and children are relevant everywhere. While middle- and high-income countries have lower mortality rates overall, there are still majorinequalities in outcomes within these countries. To improve health outcomes for women and children around the world, more data on the burden of disease and evidence of intervention effectiveness are crucial. The Oxford Textbook of Global Health of Women, Newborns, Children, and Adolescents is the first comprehensive book on this topic. Written by experts in the field, this invaluable source takes a lifecourse approach to health. Following women from adolescence to motherhood, it covers sexual and reproductive health, HIV, pregnancy, mental health, and much more. Child development is traced from conception through to pregnancy, the newborn period, and into childhood and adolescence, withtopics including newborn care, nutrition, infections, and injuries. This comprehensive resource asks uncomfortable but necessary questions about the determinants of health, such as maltreatment, injury, and malnutrition, and looks at how to influence policy and inspire change. Divided into eight sections and following the lifecourse, the Oxford Textbook of Global Health of Women, Newborns, Children, and Adolescents has a clear structure, helpful illustrations, and study questions in each chapter. Easy to use, it is the ideal textbook for students and practitioners in health care or global health. Looking to the future, it is also an invaluable starting point for policymakers and anyone with a general interest in the subject area. With practical case studiesand examples from high and low-resource settings, this book is a unique resource for those involved in women's and children's health everywhere.
R 2,681.00
Children, Families, and Health Care Decision-Making
ISSUES IN BIOMEDICAL ETHICS General Editors: John Harris, University of Manchester; S(ren Holm, University of Copenhagen. Consulting Editor: Ranaan Gillon, Director, Imperial College Health Service, London. North American Consulting Editor: Bonnie Steinbock, Professor of Philosophy, SUNY, Albany. The late twentieth century has witnessed dramatic technological developments in biomedical science and the delivery of health care, and these developments have brought with them important social changes. All too often ethical analysis has lagged behind these changes. The purpose of this series is to provide lively, up-to-date, and authoritative studies for the increasingly large and diverse readership concerned with issues in biomedical ethics—not just health care trainees andprofessionals, but also social scientists, philosophers, lawyers, social workers, and legislators. The series will feature both single-author and multi-author books, short and accessible enough to be widely read, each of them focused on an issue of outstanding current importance and interest. Philosophers,doctors, and lawyers from several countries already feature among the contributors to the series. It promises to become the leading channel for the best original work in this burgeoning field. this book: Lainie Friedman Ross presents an original and controversial examination of the moral principles that guide parents in making health care decisions for their children, and the role of children in the decision-making process. She opposes the current movement to increase child autonomy, in favour of respect for family autonomy. She argues that children should be included in the decision-making process but that parents should be responsible for their children's healthcare even after the children have achieved some threshold level of competency. The first half of the book presents and defends a model of decision-making for children's health care; the second half shows how it works in various practical contexts, considering children as research subjects and as patients, organ donorship, and issues relating to adolescent sexuality. Implementation of Ross's model would result in significant changes in what informed consent allows and requires for paediatric health care decisions. This is the first systematic medical ethics book that focuses specifically on children's health care. It has important things to say to health care providers who work with children, as well as to ethicists and public policy analysts.
R 6,613.00
Children, Family and Communities
Children, Families and Communities is an essential resource that will help you to understand child development in the context of the vital roles that families and the community play in educating children.It acknowledges and discusses the profound inequities that exist in child health, education and wellbeing in Australia, while presenting an optimistic focus on the role of families and communities, including governments, in allowing children to explore andthrive. The sixth edition continues to focus on Australian issues and research while also drawing on international bodies of work. Alongside the nine new chapters, all chapters have been significantly revised to reflect current research evidence and theory development. In-text case studies with specific research information help you to understand the link between practice and theory, and a diverse collective of authors brings exceptional academic, policy and practical experience to thetext.
R 2,575.00