WINNER OF THE NEWBERY MEDAL WINNER OF THE NATIONAL BOOK AWARDSELECTED AS ONE OF TIME MAGAZINE'S 100 BEST YA BOOKS OF ALL TIME Stanley Yelnats' family has a history of bad luck, so when a miscarriage of justice sends him to Camp Green Lake Juvenile Detention Centre (which isn't green and doesn't have a lake) he is not surprised. Every day he and the other inmates are told to dig a hole, five foot wide by five foot deep, reporting anything they find. Why? The evil warden claims that it’s character building, but this is a lie. It’s up to Stanley to dig up the truth. Witty, inventive and completely unique, this is a masterpiece of storytelling that combines sly humour with irresistible, page-turning writing.
CONTRIBUTORS: Louis SacharEAN: 9781408865231COUNTRY: United KingdomPAGES: WEIGHT: 175 gHEIGHT: 198 cm
PUBLISHED BY: Bloomsbury Publishing PLCDATE PUBLISHED: CITY: GENRE: JUVENILE FICTION / Action & Adventure / General, JUVENILE FICTION / Humorous Stories, JUVENILE FICTION / Law & CrimeWIDTH: 129 cmSPINE:
Book Themes:
Interest age: from c 11 years, Children’s / Teenage fiction: Action and adventure stories, Children’s / Teenage fiction: Crime and mystery fiction, Children’s / Teenage fiction: Humorous stories, Children’s / Teenage personal and social topics: Families and family members, Children’s / Teenage personal and social topics: Friends and friendships
Holes is one of those instant classics that adults, as well as children over eight, will thoroughly enjoy. Sachar has created something quite different from JK Rowling or Philip Pullman, but no less enchanting, If you want a witty, moving read that grabs you and never lets up, look no further than Holes, Totally absorbing and beautifully written, Forget the fame and glamour of Holes, the movie and the rest. Just remember Camp Green Lake and that story that gave us one of the best books of the last ten years, The most moving, exciting, thrilling book... I loved it
Louis Sachar is the author of the award-winning international bestseller Holes, which was made into a film in 2003 and is one of TIME magazine's 100 Best YA Books of All Time. All of Louis’s books for children have been published in the UK by Bloomsbury. These also include Small Steps, Stanley Yelnats’ Survival Guide to Camp Green Lake, Dogs Don’t Tell Jokes, There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom, Someday Angeline, and the Marvin Redpost series and Wayside School books. He is the recipient of many of the world's best regarded book prizes, including the National Book Award and the Newbery Medal. Louis Sachar lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife, daughter and two dogs.
Book Partnerships
For the Fans
WINNER OF THE NEWBERY MEDAL WINNER OF THE NATIONAL BOOK AWARDSELECTED AS ONE OF TIME MAGAZINE'S 100 BEST YA BOOKS OF ALL TIME Stanley Yelnats' family has a history of bad luck, so when a miscarriage of justice sends him to Camp Green Lake Juvenile Detention Centre (which isn't green and doesn't have a lake) he is not surprised. Every day he and the other inmates are told to dig a hole, five foot wide by five foot deep, reporting anything they find. Why? The evil warden claims that it’s character building, but this is a lie. It’s up to Stanley to dig up the truth. Witty, inventive and completely unique, this is a masterpiece of storytelling that combines sly humour with irresistible, page-turning writing.
CONTRIBUTORS: Louis SacharEAN: 9781408865231COUNTRY: United KingdomPAGES: WEIGHT: 175 gHEIGHT: 198 cm
PUBLISHED BY: Bloomsbury Publishing PLCDATE PUBLISHED: CITY: GENRE: JUVENILE FICTION / Action & Adventure / General, JUVENILE FICTION / Humorous Stories, JUVENILE FICTION / Law & CrimeWIDTH: 129 cmSPINE:
Book Themes:
Interest age: from c 11 years, Children’s / Teenage fiction: Action and adventure stories, Children’s / Teenage fiction: Crime and mystery fiction, Children’s / Teenage fiction: Humorous stories, Children’s / Teenage personal and social topics: Families and family members, Children’s / Teenage personal and social topics: Friends and friendships
Louis Sachar is the author of the award-winning international bestseller Holes, which was made into a film in 2003 and is one of TIME magazine's 100 Best YA Books of All Time. All of Louis’s books for children have been published in the UK by Bloomsbury. These also include Small Steps, Stanley Yelnats’ Survival Guide to Camp Green Lake, Dogs Don’t Tell Jokes, There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom, Someday Angeline, and the Marvin Redpost series and Wayside School books. He is the recipient of many of the world's best regarded book prizes, including the National Book Award and the Newbery Medal. Louis Sachar lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife, daughter and two dogs.
Mevrou Smit het Aronspoort toe gekom om vir haarself ’n nuwe lewe en identiteit te bewerk, nie om gewild te wees nie. “Daar is geen wag voor daai mond nie. Al die gedagtes wat in haar kop uitbroei, marsjeer soos mank soldate oor haar tong.” (p.16). Maar dit is juis daardie gedagtes wat al menige moord opgelos het, dit terwyl sy vir haarself streng reëls gestel het vir “goeie” gedrag en verbete daaraan werk om daarby te hou. Reëls soos om te oorleef en te luister na jou instinkte. “My derde reël is om nie my tyd te mors met retrospeksie nie” (p.78), verduidelik sy aan Dario wat in hierdie aflewering weer ’n hoopvolle draai kom maak. Die uitstekende skryfstyl van Elizabeth Wasserman verseker dat mevrou Smit konsekwent, sonder aansien des persoons, hou by haar reëls.
Ek moet bieg dat hierdie derde sage van mevrou Smit vir my ietwat stadig afgeskop het. Daar was nie juis dringendheid rondom die ontdekking van ’n dekade-oue menslike oorskot in die rivierbank nie. Maar wanneer daar ’n vars moord vermoed word, tel mevrou Smit se bloedhond instinkte spoed op. En die krisis na die einde toe is so spannend as wat ’n sogenaamde sagte krimi kan toelaat.
Ek sukkel deesdae toenemend met reekse. Ek vergeet die fynere detail van vorige boeke (ouderdom of té veel storielyne?) en dan sukkel my kop deurentyd om te onthou. Dus sou ek beslis beter gevaar het om die drie boeke agtereenvolgens te lees. Nuwe Mevrou Smit lesers wat nie noodwendig alles wil weet van haar vorige lewe en die voorafgaande avonture op Aronspoort nie, behoort suksesvol te kan volstaan met die intrige soos hier aangebied.