Crack the case with the InvestiGators! The first adventure in the laugh-out-loud full colour series by John Patrick Green, perfect for fans of Bunny vs Monkey.Join Mango and Brash, alligator secret agents, as they fight crime, save the day and go undercover… in a bakery?Armed with a moustache and a rolling pin the Investigators need to work together to find out who has kidnapped top chef Gustavo, and stop his recipes getting into the wrong hands!Can Mango and Brash uncover the clues, crack the case, and capture the crooks? Or will the criminals wriggle out of their grasp?The InvestiGators series is a hit with all ages and covers themes like:- Teamwork- Resilience- Problem-solvingJoin the InvestiGators on more adventures in Take the Plunge, Ants in Our P.A.N.T.S, Off the Hook, Braver and Boulder and Heist and Seek!
CONTRIBUTORS: John Patrick GreenEAN: 9781529054378COUNTRY: United KingdomPAGES: WEIGHT: 371 gHEIGHT: 210 cm
For reluctant or struggling readers (children / teenagers), Children’s / Teenage fiction: Crime and mystery fiction, Children’s / Teenage fiction: Nature and animal stories, Children’s / Teenage fiction: Humorous stories, Children’s / Teenage general interest: Reptiles and amphibians, Children’s / Teenage general interest: Cartoons and comic strips
Has heaping helpings of surreal alligator action and wordplay gags to keep new readers bent on solving the mystery., A hilarious ride with great wordplay, bright illustrations and plenty of twists and turns – lots to keep young readers engaged. Keen illustrators will also enjoy Green’s bonus drawing tips to create their own InvestiGators., In high-intensity colors, straightforward panel artwork by Green (Hippopotamister) offers plenty of slapstick gags to Brash and Mango’s tale. Fast-paced fun for the bad pun and dorky joke crowd., Like the heroes of Dav Pilkey’s Dog Man or Captain Underpants, the Investigators are bound to resonate with kids., With its rampant good-natured goofiness and its unrelenting fizz and pep, this feels like a sugar rush manifested as a graphic novel. Silly and inventive fast-paced fun.
John Green grew up on Long Island and has worked in New York City ever since graduating from School of Visual Arts for Graphic Design in 1997. He was the comics consultant for Disney Adventures magazine, and in addition to Disney has written, illustrated, or otherwise worked on comics for Nickelodeon, Dreamworks, Scholastic, DC Comics, and First Second Books. He is the artist and co-creator of the graphic novels Jax Epoch and the Quicken Forbidden, and Teen Boat!, both with writer Dave Roman and is the author and illustrator of the Investigators Series. When not drawing comics John creates artwork for video games, such as Emerald City Confidential, Puzzle Bots, and Nearly Departed.
Book Partnerships
For the Fans
Crack the case with the InvestiGators! The first adventure in the laugh-out-loud full colour series by John Patrick Green, perfect for fans of Bunny vs Monkey.Join Mango and Brash, alligator secret agents, as they fight crime, save the day and go undercover… in a bakery?Armed with a moustache and a rolling pin the Investigators need to work together to find out who has kidnapped top chef Gustavo, and stop his recipes getting into the wrong hands!Can Mango and Brash uncover the clues, crack the case, and capture the crooks? Or will the criminals wriggle out of their grasp?The InvestiGators series is a hit with all ages and covers themes like:- Teamwork- Resilience- Problem-solvingJoin the InvestiGators on more adventures in Take the Plunge, Ants in Our P.A.N.T.S, Off the Hook, Braver and Boulder and Heist and Seek!
CONTRIBUTORS: John Patrick GreenEAN: 9781529054378COUNTRY: United KingdomPAGES: WEIGHT: 371 gHEIGHT: 210 cm
John Green grew up on Long Island and has worked in New York City ever since graduating from School of Visual Arts for Graphic Design in 1997. He was the comics consultant for Disney Adventures magazine, and in addition to Disney has written, illustrated, or otherwise worked on comics for Nickelodeon, Dreamworks, Scholastic, DC Comics, and First Second Books. He is the artist and co-creator of the graphic novels Jax Epoch and the Quicken Forbidden, and Teen Boat!, both with writer Dave Roman and is the author and illustrator of the Investigators Series. When not drawing comics John creates artwork for video games, such as Emerald City Confidential, Puzzle Bots, and Nearly Departed.
Mevrou Smit het Aronspoort toe gekom om vir haarself ’n nuwe lewe en identiteit te bewerk, nie om gewild te wees nie. “Daar is geen wag voor daai mond nie. Al die gedagtes wat in haar kop uitbroei, marsjeer soos mank soldate oor haar tong.” (p.16). Maar dit is juis daardie gedagtes wat al menige moord opgelos het, dit terwyl sy vir haarself streng reëls gestel het vir “goeie” gedrag en verbete daaraan werk om daarby te hou. Reëls soos om te oorleef en te luister na jou instinkte. “My derde reël is om nie my tyd te mors met retrospeksie nie” (p.78), verduidelik sy aan Dario wat in hierdie aflewering weer ’n hoopvolle draai kom maak. Die uitstekende skryfstyl van Elizabeth Wasserman verseker dat mevrou Smit konsekwent, sonder aansien des persoons, hou by haar reëls.
Ek moet bieg dat hierdie derde sage van mevrou Smit vir my ietwat stadig afgeskop het. Daar was nie juis dringendheid rondom die ontdekking van ’n dekade-oue menslike oorskot in die rivierbank nie. Maar wanneer daar ’n vars moord vermoed word, tel mevrou Smit se bloedhond instinkte spoed op. En die krisis na die einde toe is so spannend as wat ’n sogenaamde sagte krimi kan toelaat.
Ek sukkel deesdae toenemend met reekse. Ek vergeet die fynere detail van vorige boeke (ouderdom of té veel storielyne?) en dan sukkel my kop deurentyd om te onthou. Dus sou ek beslis beter gevaar het om die drie boeke agtereenvolgens te lees. Nuwe Mevrou Smit lesers wat nie noodwendig alles wil weet van haar vorige lewe en die voorafgaande avonture op Aronspoort nie, behoort suksesvol te kan volstaan met die intrige soos hier aangebied.