Now a major HBO and Sky Atlantic limited series starring Ben Mendelsohn.'If you read only one thriller this summer, make it this one' Daily MailA horrifying crime.Water-tight evidence points to a single suspect.Except he was seventy miles away, with an iron-clad alibi.Detective Anderson sets out to investigate the impossible: how can the suspect have been both at the scene of the crime and in another town?
CONTRIBUTORS: Stephen KingEAN: 9781473676398COUNTRY: United KingdomPAGES: WEIGHT: 347 gHEIGHT: 196 cm
Crime and mystery fiction, Thriller / suspense fiction, Horror and supernatural fiction
The Outsider gives King fans exactly what they want at the same time as cramming in new ideas, proving the least surprising thing of all: that his novels are as strong as they ever were, A crime masterpiece that has you gripped throughout, Nerve-shreddingly brilliant, If you read only one thriller this summer, make it this one, King's blend of supernatural crime makes for a taut, clever read that will keep you guessing until the end
Stephen King is the author of more than sixty books, all of them worldwide bestsellers. His first crime thriller featuring Bill Hodges, Mr Mercedes, won the Edgar Award for best novel and was shortlisted for the CWA Gold Dagger Award. THE OUTSIDER, End of Watch and Mr Mercedes all received the Goodreads Choice Award for Best Mystery and Thriller.Many of King's books have been turned into celebrated films and television series including It, The Shawshank Redemption, Gerald's Game and Pet Sematary.King was the recipient of America's prestigious 2014 National Medal of Arts and the 2003 National Book Foundation Medal for distinguished contribution to American Letters. In 2007 he also won the Grand Master Award from the Mystery Writers of America. He lives with his wife Tabitha King in Maine.
Book Partnerships
For the Fans
Now a major HBO and Sky Atlantic limited series starring Ben Mendelsohn.'If you read only one thriller this summer, make it this one' Daily MailA horrifying crime.Water-tight evidence points to a single suspect.Except he was seventy miles away, with an iron-clad alibi.Detective Anderson sets out to investigate the impossible: how can the suspect have been both at the scene of the crime and in another town?
CONTRIBUTORS: Stephen KingEAN: 9781473676398COUNTRY: United KingdomPAGES: WEIGHT: 347 gHEIGHT: 196 cm
Stephen King is the author of more than sixty books, all of them worldwide bestsellers. His first crime thriller featuring Bill Hodges, Mr Mercedes, won the Edgar Award for best novel and was shortlisted for the CWA Gold Dagger Award. THE OUTSIDER, End of Watch and Mr Mercedes all received the Goodreads Choice Award for Best Mystery and Thriller.Many of King's books have been turned into celebrated films and television series including It, The Shawshank Redemption, Gerald's Game and Pet Sematary.King was the recipient of America's prestigious 2014 National Medal of Arts and the 2003 National Book Foundation Medal for distinguished contribution to American Letters. In 2007 he also won the Grand Master Award from the Mystery Writers of America. He lives with his wife Tabitha King in Maine.
Mevrou Smit het Aronspoort toe gekom om vir haarself ’n nuwe lewe en identiteit te bewerk, nie om gewild te wees nie. “Daar is geen wag voor daai mond nie. Al die gedagtes wat in haar kop uitbroei, marsjeer soos mank soldate oor haar tong.” (p.16). Maar dit is juis daardie gedagtes wat al menige moord opgelos het, dit terwyl sy vir haarself streng reëls gestel het vir “goeie” gedrag en verbete daaraan werk om daarby te hou. Reëls soos om te oorleef en te luister na jou instinkte. “My derde reël is om nie my tyd te mors met retrospeksie nie” (p.78), verduidelik sy aan Dario wat in hierdie aflewering weer ’n hoopvolle draai kom maak. Die uitstekende skryfstyl van Elizabeth Wasserman verseker dat mevrou Smit konsekwent, sonder aansien des persoons, hou by haar reëls.
Ek moet bieg dat hierdie derde sage van mevrou Smit vir my ietwat stadig afgeskop het. Daar was nie juis dringendheid rondom die ontdekking van ’n dekade-oue menslike oorskot in die rivierbank nie. Maar wanneer daar ’n vars moord vermoed word, tel mevrou Smit se bloedhond instinkte spoed op. En die krisis na die einde toe is so spannend as wat ’n sogenaamde sagte krimi kan toelaat.
Ek sukkel deesdae toenemend met reekse. Ek vergeet die fynere detail van vorige boeke (ouderdom of té veel storielyne?) en dan sukkel my kop deurentyd om te onthou. Dus sou ek beslis beter gevaar het om die drie boeke agtereenvolgens te lees. Nuwe Mevrou Smit lesers wat nie noodwendig alles wil weet van haar vorige lewe en die voorafgaande avonture op Aronspoort nie, behoort suksesvol te kan volstaan met die intrige soos hier aangebied.