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My eie Bybel
My eie Bybel is die perfekte geskenk. My eie Bybel bevat 'n versameling van al die klassieke, gewildste Bybelstories, insluitende al die immergroen gunstelinge wat by almal byval vind. Die stories word op 'n eenvoudige manier deur Bethan James aangebied sodat die kleinspan dit sal kan verstaan. Al die stories is kleurvol geillustreer deur die ervare kinderboek-illustreerder, Estelle Corke.
R 102.00
Tanya koop blindelings ’n huis in Dwarskersbos om weg te kom van Ben Lategan nadat sy hul verlowing verbreek het. Sy hoop om hier beheer oor haar lewe te neem en die skade te verwerk wat Ben in haar siel uitgekerf het. Sy het skaars nes geskop, toe ontmoet sy vir Ryno. Hy is alles wat Ben nie was nie, en te gou sukkel sy om haar hart vir haarself te hou. Die verlede se tentakels is egter nog nie afgekap nie, en haar probleem met vertroue dreig om hul verhouding te verwoes, veral toe ’n ou liefde uit Ryno se verlede onverwags haar opwagting maak. Sal die liefde hierdie keer die verlede se skade kan oorwin?
R 49.00
Return to Love
Beautiful new cover design for this internationally acclaimed book that has sold over one million copies worldwide. Marianne Williamson shares her insights into how the practical application of love every day can provide an answer to the problems that confront us, whether these are in our relationships, our careers or our health. A Return to Love is based on the author’s experiences as a teacher and lecturer on the self-study guide A Course in Miracles. She explains how applying the principles of love to all difficulties can aid in healing and bring about a personal transformation of the reader. In this practical guide, she reveals how you can bring universal spiritual principles into your everyday life by accepting God and expressing love. Whether your ‘pain’ is in the area of relationships, career, health or emotions, this book shows you how love is the key to inner peace, and how by practising love we can make our own lives more fulfilling while creating a more peaceful and loving world for our children. With practical exercises to encourage you on your own spiritual journey, this is an inspiring guide to how to live a more whole. fulfilling and spiritual life.
R 260.00
Hunting with the Hawks
The Hawks, South Africa’s elite crime-fighting force, have put scores of our worst criminals behind bars. In this book, investigative journalist Graham Coetzer offers us a rare glimpse into the secretive world of this top police unit.While exposing the deviousness of South Africa’s dangerous criminals, Hunting with the Hawks is also an ode to the hard work and dedication of the best of our police service.
R 330.00
Alex Rider 10 Book Collection
A collection of the first 10 books in the bestselling Alex Rider series by award-winning author Anthony Horowitz. Meet Alex Rider, fourteen-year-old star athlete and top spy for MI6, bringing evil villains to justice all over the world. Whether he's snowboarding down a mountain on an ironing board or walking a tightrope between two high-rises, there's never a dull moment in the life of this talented teen! Includes: Stormbreaker, Point Blanc, Skeleton Key, Eagle Strike, Scorpia, Ark Angel, Snakehead, Crocodile Tears, Scorpia Rising, and Russian Roulette.
Unbecoming to Become
Ayanda is a South African actress, public figure and artivist best known for playing the title role in the SABC1 sitcom Nomzamo, since 2007. It is however her current role as Phumemele on Isibaya that has cemented her presence in the acting industry. A role which saw her twice nominated for the Royalty Soapie Awards. In this personal memoir, Ayanda tracks her journey back to self in a bid to return to her true self and to redefine her worth. Ayanda shares intimate details of her most profound experiences as a young girl in the township in a toxic relationship with a high flying gangster. As young woman falling pregnant out of wedlock and the ostracism she encountered. As a young black woman in a white male dominated corporate environment. As an artist who didn't quite fit into mainstream popularity and her battle to maintain her authenticity in an industry that recognizes fake over real. As a loyal friend betrayed by someone she loved and trusted. As a mother overwhelmed by the expectations of being a supermom. As a young wife fighting not to lose herself in marriage. As well as finding God by going against the stereotypes that define God for us. In this memoir Ayanda zooms into and challenges the social expectations, cultural conditioning and people perceptions that sets the narrative that dictates the "self worth" for girls and women. By unlearning and reflecting on the untrue narratives girls and women are told and taught about themselves and learning a different truth, girls and women can begin the 'Unbecoming To Become' journey of restoring their identity, reclaiming their power and redefining their self worth.
R 309.00
It was one of the most searing images of the twentieth century: two young boys, two princes, walking behind their mother's coffin as the world watched in sorrow-and horror. As Princess Diana was laid to rest, billions wondered what Prince William and Prince Harry must be thinking and feeling-and how their lives would play out from that point on. For Harry, this is that story at last. Before losing his mother, twelve-year-old Prince Harry was known as the carefree one, the happy-go-lucky Spare to the more serious Heir. Grief changed everything. He struggled at school, struggled with anger, with loneliness-and, because he blamed the press for his mother's death, he struggled to accept life in the spotlight. At twenty-one, he joined the British Army. The discipline gave him structure, and two combat tours made him a hero at home. But he soon felt more lost than ever, suffering from post-traumatic stress and prone to crippling panic attacks. Above all, he couldn't find true love. Then he met Meghan. The world was swept away by the couple's cinematic romance and rejoiced in their fairy-tale wedding. But from the beginning, Harry and Meghan were preyed upon by the press, subjected to waves of abuse, racism, and lies. Watching his wife suffer, their safety and mental health at risk, Harry saw no other way to prevent the tragedy of history repeating itself but to flee his mother country. Over the centuries, leaving the Royal Family was an act few had dared. The last to try, in fact, had been his mother. . . .For the first time, Prince Harry tells his own story, chronicling his journey with raw, unflinching honesty. A landmark publication, Spare is full of insight, revelation, self-examination, and hard-won wisdom about the eternal power of love over grief.
R 390.00
Creative Act
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER. Many famed music producers are known for a particular sound that has its day and then ages out. Rick Rubin is known for something else: creating a space where artists of all different genres and traditions can home in on who they really are and what they really offer. He has made a practice of helping people transcend their self-imposed expectations in order to reconnect with a state of innocence from which the surprising becomes inevitable. Over the years, as he has thought deeply about where creativity comes from and where it doesn't, he has learned that being an artist isn't about your specific output; it's about your relationship to the world. Creativity has a place in everyone's life, and everyone can make that place larger. In fact, there are few more important responsibilities. The Creative Act is a beautiful and generous course of study that illuminates the path of the artist as a road we all can follow. It distils the wisdom gleaned from a lifetime's work into a luminous reading experience that puts the power to create moments - and lifetimes - of exhilaration and transcendence within closer reach for all of us.
R 565.00
Bear Grylls Adventure 3: The Jungle Challenge
The third adventure in the brand-new 12-book collectible series for young readers from survival expert and Chief Scout BEAR GRYLLS. Omar is fiercely competitive and very impatient about anything that holds him back. . . especially other people. Activity camp is brilliant because he's the best at all the challenges, it's just so annoying that not all his teammates are as quick or brave or strong as he is. It would be much easier just to ditch them and go it alone. But when he's given a mysterious compass it transports him to a thick jungle that is impossible to get through quickly - he has to learn to move with the rhythm of the environment around him with the help of his guide, adventurer Bear Grylls. Can his time in the rainforest change his mind about what makes someone successful? And who will he give the compass to next? Each book in this fun 12-book series from BEAR GRYLLS follows a different child on the outdoor activity camp. Once they are given the magical compass, they meet the inspirational adventurer in an amazing place and learn new skills and facts they can take with them back to their real life.
R 50.00
Nuwe alles-in-een se leer lees en skryf vir graad 1
Die Leer lees en skryf-werkboek vir Graad 1 Afrikaans Huistaal is saamgestel die KABV volgens die KABV en maak dit maklik om leerders in die klas of tuis 'n kurrikulumgebaseerde hupstoot te gee met die leer van Afrikaans Huistaal. Die leeslesse, handskrif- en taaloefeninge in die werkboek sal leerders se woordeskat verbeter, hulle help om met selfvertroue en begrip te lees, hulle help om die uitspraak van klanke korrek aan te leer en hul handskrifvaardighede ontwikkel. Die illustrasies, met 'n Suid-Afrikaanse aanslag, help om leerders te stimuleer en betrokke te hou. Die boek is uiteengesit volgens die voorgeskrewe KABV-volgorde vir die leer van klanke, drukhandskrif en taalwerk in Graad 1. Die handskrifoefeninge, skrifstrokies en skrifpatrone is daarop gemik om letterformasievaardighede en druk- en lopende skrif in die regte lettertipe en met die korrekte reelspasiering, soos wat die KABV dit vereis, te oefen.?
R 20.00
The Nightingale
The bestselling Reese Witherspoon Book Club PickSoon to be a major motion picture, The Nightingale is a multi-million copy bestseller across the world. It is a heart-breakingly beautiful novel that celebrates the resilience of the human spirit and the endurance of women.This story is about what it was like to be a woman during World War II when women’s stories were all too often forgotten or overlooked . . . Vianne and Isabelle Mauriac are two sisters, separated by years and experience, by ideals and passion and circumstance, each embarking on her own dangerous path towards survival, love and freedom in war-torn France.Kristin Hannah's The Nightingale is a novel for everyone, a novel for a lifetime.‘A rich, compelling novel of love, sacrifice and survival’ - Kate Morton‘Movingly written and plotted with the heartless skill of a Greek tragedy, you’ll keep turning the pages until the last racking sob’ - Daily Mail‘I loved The Nightingale . . . great characters, great plots, great emotions, who could ask for more in a novel?’ - Isabel Allende, author of The House of the Spirits‘A gripping tale of family, love, grief and forgiveness’ - Sunday Express
R 285.00
English Handbook & Study Guide
Teachers’ Handbook, Students’ Textbook, Home Reference Book. A comprehensive reference book and set of notes that covers everything in one book. Covers the basics and fills in the gaps. Practical and user-friendly – simple, visual and logical. Colour – coded for easy understanding, recall and application.
R 370.00
Revenge of the Tipping Point
Twenty-five years after the publication of his groundbreaking first book, Malcolm Gladwell returns with a brand-new volume that reframes the lessons of The Tipping Point in a startling and revealing light. Why in the late 1980s and early '90s did Los Angeles become the bank robbery capital of the world? What is the magic third and what does it have to do with racial equity? What do big cats and clusters of teen suicide have in common? These are just some of the questions Malcolm Gladwell addresses in this new work, which revisits the phenomenon of epidemics and examines when, how, and above all where ideas, viruses, and trends spread. Gladwell shows that - whether in neighbourhoods, schools, zoos, or conference rooms - today's epidemics are no longer singular occurrences, but turbocharged versions of their earlier counterparts. Tipping points, he explains, play a much bigger role in our lives now than ever before. With this provocative and fascinating new book, we can meet them in novel and innovative ways.
R 420.00
She is the very thing he’s spent his whole life hunting.He is the very thing she’s spent her whole life pretending to be.Only the extraordinary belong in the kingdom of Ilya—the exceptional, the empowered, the Elites.The powers these Elites have possessed for decades were graciously gifted to them by the Plague, though not all were fortunate enough to both survive the sickness and reap the reward. Those born Ordinary are just that—ordinary. And when the king decreed that all Ordinaries be banished in order to preserve his Elite society, lacking an ability suddenly became a crime—making Paedyn Gray a felon by fate and a thief by necessity.Surviving in the slums as an Ordinary is no simple task, and Paedyn knows this better than most. Having been trained by her father to be overly observant since she was a child, Paedyn poses as a Psychic in the crowded city, blending in with the Elites as best she can in order to stay alive and out of trouble. Easier said than done.When Paeydn unsuspectingly saves one of Ilyas princes, she finds herself thrown into the Purging Trials. The brutal competition exists to showcase the Elites’ powers—the very thing Paedyn lacks. If the Trials and the opponents within them don’t kill her, the prince she’s fighting feelings for certainly will if he discovers what she is—completely Ordinary.
R 225.00
'n Brief vir Reina
Haar ouma sterf op dieselfde dag wat Reina Sauer se lewe weer eens inmekaar val. Sy skei na 'n kortstondige huwelik met Bert Naude. Toe haar ouers albei vyf jaar gelede in 'n motorongeluk oorlede is, was ouma Reina nog daar om te troos, maar hierdie keer moet sy alleen die stukke van haar lewe optel. Ontwikkelaars kontak haar, hulle het planne om haar ouma se huis op McGregor deel van 'n sekuriteitskompleks te maak. Sy los haar oudhede winkel in Rondebosch in Bippie, 'n student wat oor naweke uithelp, se hande en vertrek na McGregor. Sy wil die verkoop van haar ouma huis so gou as moontlik afhandel sodat sy die res van haar lewe kan uitsorteer. Maar dinge is nie heeltemal so eenvoudig nie. Wat op aarde maak sy met tant Cora Verwey en tant Trina van Zyl wat skynbaar die afgelope jaar by haar ouma gebly het? En hoe gemaak met oom Fred Bouwer wat elke dag iets in en om die huis kry om reg te maak?. Sy begin die huis opruim en kom in die solder op 'n boks vol briewe af. Met verstomming lees sy hoe haar ouma dit reg gekry het om 'n onmoontlike besluit te neem wat uiteindelik haar kleindogter se lewe moontlik gemaak het. Iewers langs die pad het sy wat Reina is ophou bid, ophou glo, maar terwyl sy deur haar ouma se lewe blaai, ontdek sy weer haar behoefte aan die Here. Op 38 is Derek Retief ontnugter, sinies en kwaad. Destyds met matriek agter sy naam, het hy vinnig die stof van die strate van die klein dorpie waar hy grootgeword het, afgeskud. As oudste moes hy help grootmaak aan sy kleiner boeties en sussies. Hy het sy deel gedoen, enige vrou wat begin gesels oor babas en troues, skud hy vinnig af. Hy wou geld maak, baie geld sodat hy alles kon koop wat hy nog altyd begeer het. En hy was amper daar, amper op 'n plek waar hy hom nooit weer hoef te bekommer oor geld nie toe hy op 'n dag ontdek sy sogenaamde 'vriend' en mededirekteur is land uit met miljoene van sy geld wat oor maande verduister is. En o ja, ook saam, is Margie, die vrou wie hom amper van plan laat verander het omdat hy gedink het hy kan dalk die res van sy lewe saam met haar deurbring. Hy is vasbeslote om so vinnig as moontlik weer 'n paar nulle by die belegging in sy bank te voeg. Die nuwe ontwikkeling op McGregor gaan daarvoor sorg. Daar is net nog een handtekening wat tussen hom en sy drome staan. Hy het 'n afspraak met die ou dame gehad wie se huis hy sal moet afbreek om sy planne uit te voer, maar sy is ure voor hy opgedaag het, oorlede. Hy kry uiteindelik 'n afspraak met haar kleindogeter, maar om 'n handtekening te kry, raak 'n hele missie.
R 51.00
Bear Grylls Adventure 4: The Sea Challenge
The fourth in the fun new 12-book collectible series for young readers from survival expert and Chief Scout BEAR GRYLLS. Chloe is enjoying activity camp and all the outdoor fun - what's not to like? But she can't understand why everyone goes on and on about "leaving things the way you found them". After all, what's the big deal about a bit of litter in the middle of the woods? The world is big enough for a bit of rubbish not to matter. But when she's given a mysterious compass with a fifth direction she's transported to a tropical island beach and has to brave the extreme conditions with the help of survival expert Bear Grylls. It's not like a typical trip to the seaside! First there's a shipwreck to escape through raging surf, fresh water to source, not to mention quicksand and sea urchins...Will Bear persuade her to change her ways when she sees how much non-degradable litter still washes up, and the damage it does to wildlife? And who will get the compass next?Each book in this fun new 12-book series from BEAR GRYLLS follows a different child on the outdoor activity camp. Once they are given the magical compass, they meet the inspirational adventurer in an amazing place and learn new skills and facts they can take with them back to their real life.
R 50.00
My alles vir jou
Mirre het een droom: Om as sanger in die Silver Sun Arena op te tree. Dis te sê as die befoeterde en arrogante eienaar van die arena, Eric Saunders, haar net ’n kans sal gee. Na ‘n geslaagde oudisie kry sy uiteindelik die opening optrede vir ‘n bekende oorsese musiekgroep. Eric is nie voorbereid op Mirre nie. Hy verloor sy hart op haar en dis duidelik dat sy dieselfde teenoor hom voel. Maar hoekom skram sy weg as daar oor ‘n toekoms saam gepraat word? Wat Eric nie weet nie, is dat Mirre aan ’n ongeneeslike niersiekte ly. Net ’n nieroorplanting kan haar lewe red. Sy worstel met ‘n besluit wat geneem moet word: Leef sy net een keer en gun haarself die oomblik van geluk? Of stuur sy vir Eric weg?
R 49.00
Forgiving What You Can't Forget
*#1 New York Times Bestseller* You deserve to stop suffering because of what other people have done to you. Have you ever felt stuck in a cycle of unresolved pain, playing offenses over and over in your mind? You know you can't go on like this, but you don't know what to do next. Lysa TerKeurst has wrestled through this journey. But in surprising ways, she’s discovered how to let go of bound-up resentment and overcome the resistance to forgiving people who aren’t willing to make things right. With deep empathy, therapeutic insight, and rich Bible teaching coming out of more than 1,000 hours of theological study, Lysa will help you: - Learn how to move on when the other person refuses to change and never says they're sorry. - Walk through a step-by-step process to free yourself from the hurt of your past and feel less offended today. - Discover what the Bible really says about forgiveness and the peace that comes from living it out right now. - Identify what's stealing trust and vulnerability from your relationships so you can believe there is still good ahead. - Disempower the triggers hijacking your emotions by embracing the two necessary parts of forgiveness.
R 330.00
Just For the Summer
To find their soulmates, all they need is four dates, a kiss and a breakup . . .Justin has a curse, and thanks to a Reddit thread, it's now all over the internet. Every woman he dates goes on to find their soul mate the second they break up. When a woman slides into his DMs with the same problem, they come up with a plan: They'll date each other and break up. Their curses will cancel each other's out, and they'll both go on to find the love of their lives. It's a bonkers idea . . . and it just might work. Emma hadn't planned that her next assignment as a traveling nurse would be in Minnesota, but she and her best friend agree that dating Justin is too good of an opportunity to pass up, especially when they get to rent an adorable cottage on a private island on Lake Minnetonka. It's supposed to be a quick fling, just for the summer. But when Emma's toxic mother shows up and Justin has to assume guardianship of his three siblings, they're suddenly navigating a lot more than they expected - including catching real feelings for each other. What if this time Fate has actually brought the perfect pair together? A sharp and scintillating summer novel that will make readers laugh out loud and cry happy tears from the New York Times bestselling author of Yours Truly. 'Abby Jimenez's words . . . sprinkle humour and warmth all over my life' ALI HAZELWOOD.........................FIND OUT WHY READERS ARE FALLING IN LOVE WITH ABBY JIMENEZ . . . 'Sweet and achingly romantic - a truly wonderful love story' BETH O'LEARY 'Full of fierce humour and fiercer heart' CASEY MCQUISTON'A deliciously hot, sweet debut. This book is an absolute treat' L. G. SHEN
R 305.00
Courage To Be Disliked
The Japanese phenomenon that teaches us the simple yet profound lessons required to liberate our real selves and find lasting happiness.The Courage to be Disliked shows you how to unlock the power within yourself to become your best and truest self, change your future and find lasting happiness. Using the theories of Alfred Adler, one of the three giants of 19th century psychology alongside Freud and Jung, the authors explain how we are all free to determine our own future free of the shackles of past experiences, doubts and the expectations of others. It's a philosophy that's profoundly liberating, allowing us to develop the courage to change, and to ignore the limitations that we and those around us can place on ourselves.The result is a book that is both highly accessible and profound in its importance. Millions have already read and benefited from its wisdom. Now that The Courage to be Disliked has been published for the first time in English, so can you.
R 325.00
The Housemaid
"Welcome to the family," Nina Winchester says as I shake her elegant, manicured hand. I smile politely, gazing around the marble hallway. Working here is my last chance to start fresh. I can pretend to be whoever I like. But I'll soon learn that the Winchesters' secrets are far more dangerous than my own . . .Every day I clean the Winchesters' beautiful house top to bottom. I collect their daughter from school. And I cook a delicious meal for the whole family before heading up to eat alone in my tiny room on the top floor.I try to ignore how Nina makes a mess just to watch me clean it up. How she tells strange lies about her own daughter. And how her husband Andrew seems more broken every day. But as I look into Andrew's handsome brown eyes, so full of pain, it's hard not to imagine what it would be like to live Nina's life. The walk-in closet, the fancy car, the perfect husband.I only try on one of Nina's pristine white dresses once. Just to see what it's like. But she soon finds out... and by the time I realize my attic bedroom door only locks from the outside, it's far too late.But I reassure myself: the Winchesters don't know who I really am.They don't know what I'm capable of . . .An unbelievably twisty read that will have you glued to the pages late into the night. Anyone who loves The Woman in the Window, The Wife Between Us and The Girl on the Train won't be able to put this down!Read what everyone's saying about The Housemaid:"I got severe whiplash from the twistiest turns... Every time I thought I had it figured out... WRONG!!!... I am still reeling... outstanding... If you love a top notch psychological thriller that will have you questioning your own sanity, then this 5-star read is for you" NetGalley reviewer, FIVE STARS"What a wild ride!!! Freida definitely delivered the best twisty ending... Gripping from start to finish... honestly, I just could not put it down... An absolutely mind-blowing shocker that kept me guessing and on the edge of my seat literally until the very end" Goodreads reviewer, FIVE STARS"So many twists and turns... I was hooked right away - I even read my Kindle while waiting in my kid's school pick-up line so I wouldn't have to put this book down!... addictive... pure perfection!" Goodreads reviewer, FIVE STARS
R 225.00
Light We Carry
Her life. Her learnings. Her toolkit to live boldly. How do we build enduring and honest relationships? How can we discover strength and community inside our differences? What do we do when it all starts to feel like too much? Michelle Obama believes that when we light up for others, we can illuminate the richness and potential of the world around us, discovering deeper truths and new pathways for progress. In The Light We Carry, the former First Lady shares her practical wisdom and powerful strategies for staying hopeful and balanced in today's highly uncertain world. A mother, daughter, spouse and friend, she shares fresh stories, her insightful reflections on change and the earned wisdom that helps her continue to "become." With her trademark humour, candour, and compassion, she also explores issues connected to race, gender, and visibility, encouraging readers to work through fear, find strength in community, and live with boldness. The Light We Carry will inspire readers to examine their own lives, identify their sources of gladness, and connect meaningfully in a turbulent world. Praise for her critically acclaimed, multi-million #1 bestselling memoir, Becoming: 'This is a rich, entertaining and candid memoir...it is as beautifully written as any piece of fiction' -- 'In the best moments of Becoming, the miracle of Michelle Obama arises' -- Vanity Fair 'Intimate, inspiring and set to become hugely influential' -- Sunday Times 'Becoming serenely balances gravity and grace, uplift and anecdote' -- Observer
R 409.00
12 Rules for Life
The #1 Sunday Times bestseller from 'the most influential public intellectual in the Western world right now' (New York Times) - now in paperback.How should we live properly in a world of chaos and uncertainty?Jordan Peterson has helped millions of people, young and old, men and women, aim at a life of responsibility and meaning. Now he can help you.Drawing on his own work as a clinical psychologist and on lessons from humanity's oldest myths and stories, Peterson offers twelve profound and realistic principles to live by. After all, as he reminds us, we each have a vital role to play in the unfolding destiny of the world.Deep, rewarding and enlightening, 12 Rules for Life is a lifeboat built solidly for stormy seas: ancient wisdom applied to our contemporary problems.
R 285.00
Sandveldstories is 'n keur uit Ferdinand Deist se gewilde kontreistories uit Pofadder en Peddelford, Die pomporrel-konsert en Bom Appeltiet op Eselspoort wat onlangs op RSG voorgelees is. Die stories, geskryf in tipiese streekstaal, handel oor 'n unieke wereld en sy mense, sommige groots soos hul omgewing, of klein en dwaas soos mense ook maar is.
R 40.00
Bear Grylls Adventure 11: The Arctic Challenge
The eleventh in the fun 12-book collectible series for young readers from survival expert and Chief Scout BEAR GRYLLS.Joe gets on well with everyone, enjoys camp and all the activities and is always up for a challenge. But he has a big problem with remembering directions and following instructions. When he gets a mysterious compass from a friend, he sets off on an adventure with Bear Grylls in the freezing cold Arctic tundra, where knowing where you're going is crucial to survival...Each book in this fun new 12-book series from BEAR GRYLLS follows a different child on the outdoor activity camp. Once they are given the magical compass, they meet the inspirational adventurer in an amazing place and learn new skills and facts they can take with them back to their real life.
R 50.00
Nuwe alles-in-een se leer lees en skryf vir graad 3: Graad 3
Die Leer lees en skryf-werkboek vir Graad 3 Afrikaans Huistaal is saamgestel die KABV volgens die KABV en maak dit maklik om leerders in die klas of tuis 'n kurrikulumgebaseerde hupstoot te gee met die leer van Afrikaans Huistaal. Die leeslesse, handskrif- en taaloefeninge in die werkboek sal leerders se woordeskat verbeter, hulle help om met selfvertroue en begrip te lees, hulle help om die uitspraak van klanke korrek aan te leer en hul handskrifvaardighede ontwikkel. Die illustrasies, met 'n Suid-Afrikaanse aanslag, help om leerders te stimuleer en betrokke te hou. Die boek is uiteengesit volgens die voorgeskrewe KABV-volgorde vir die leer van klanke, drukhandskrif en taalwerk in Graad 3. Die handskrifoefeninge, skrifstrokies en skrifpatrone is daarop gemik om letterformasievaardighede en druk- en lopende skrif in die regte lettertipe en met die korrekte reelspasiering, soos wat die KABV dit vereis, te oefen.?
R 20.00
Before The Matrix, before Star Wars, before Ender's Game and Neuromancer, there was Dune: winner of the prestigious Hugo and Nebula awards, and widely considered one of the greatest science fiction novels ever written. Melange, or 'spice', is the most valuable - and rarest - element in the universe; a drug that does everything from increasing a person's life-span to making intersteller travel possible. And it can only be found on a single planet: the inhospitable desert world Arrakis. Whoever controls Arrakis controls the spice. And whoever controls the spice controls the universe.When the Emperor transfers stewardship of Arrakis from the noble House Harkonnen to House Atreides, the Harkonnens fight back, murdering Duke Leto Atreides. Paul, his son, and Lady Jessica, his concubine, flee into the desert. On the point of death, they are rescued by a band for Fremen, the native people of Arrakis, who control Arrakis' second great resource: the giant worms that burrow beneath the burning desert sands. In order to avenge his father and retake Arrakis from the Harkonnens, Paul must earn the trust of the Fremen and lead a tiny army against the innumerable forces aligned against them. And his journey will change the universe.
R 290.00
Horton Hears A Who!
When Horton the Elephant hears a tiny voice calling for help from a speck of dust, he is determined to save his new friend. ‘A person’s a person, no matter how small..’ Horton the elephant sets out to save the inhabitants of a speck of dust, in this classic and hilarious tale about friendship and respect, from the inimitable Dr. Seuss. As part of a major rebrand programme, HarperCollins is relaunching Dr. Seuss’s bestselling books, including such perennial favourites as The Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham and Fox in Socks. In response to consumer demand, the bright new cover designs incorporate much needed guidance on reading levels, with the standard paperbacks divided into three reading strands – Blue Back Books for parents to share with young children, Green Back Books for budding readers to tackle on their own, and Yellow Back Books for older, more fluent readers to enjoy. Horton Hears a Who! belongs to the Yellow Back Books range.
R 210.00
From the author of the multimillion-copy bestseller Normal People, an exquisitely moving story about grief, love and family. Aside from the fact that they are brothers, Peter and Ivan Koubek seem to have little in common. Peter is a Dublin lawyer in his thirties - successful, competent and apparently unassailable. But in the wake of their father's death, he's medicating himself to sleep and struggling to manage his relationships with two very different women - his enduring first love Sylvia, and Naomi, a college student for whom life is one long joke. Ivan is a twenty-two-year-old competitive chess player. He has always seen himself as socially awkward, a loner, the antithesis of his glib elder brother. Now, in the early weeks of his bereavement, Ivan meets Margaret, an older woman emerging from her own turbulent past, and their lives become rapidly and intensely intertwined. For two grieving brothers and the people they love, this is a new interlude - a period of desire, despair and possibility - a chance to find out how much one life might hold inside itself without breaking.
R 390.00
How to Win Friends and Influence People
The most famous confidence-boosting book ever published; with sales of over 16 million copies worldwide Millions of people around the world have improved their lives based on the teachings of Dale Carnegie. In How to Win Friends and Influence People, he offers practical advice and techniques, in his exuberant and conversational style, for how to get out of a mental rut and make life more rewarding. His advice has stood the test of time and will teach you how to: - make friends quickly and easily - increase your popularity - persuade people to follow your way of thinking - enable you to win new clients and customers - become a better speaker - boost enthusiasm among your colleagues This classic book will turn your relationships around and improve your interactions with everyone in your life. Dale Carnegie, known as 'the arch-priest of the art of making friends', pioneered the development of personal business skills, self-confidence and motivational techniques. His books - most notably How to Win Friends and Influence People - have sold tens of millions worldwide and, even in today's changing climate, they remain as popular as ever.
R 320.00
Vreugde vir Larissa
Larissa gaan Nederland toe om verder te studeer. Dan hoor sy die jong Chandre, wie se aanrandingsaak sy vantevore behartig het, is vermoor. Larissa weet wie die skuldige is, en sal nie rus voor hy aan die pen ry nie. Sy keer terug na Suid-Afrika. By haar vriendin Reina en die se man Derek, word sy met Gideon gekonfronteer. Gideon wat deur nagmerries geteister word. Sal Larissa en Gideon saam vreugde kan vind? Nog 'n lekkerlees-roman uit die pen van ATKV Woordveertjiewenner, Elsa Winckler.
R 60.00
Bear Grylls Adventure 8: The Safari Challenge
Ready for some real adventure?Evie likes new experiences - except for being extremely fussy about what she eats. Suddenly she finds herself on a sun-baked safari with Bear Grylls, where food and water are scarce and dangerous wild animals prowl the plains. To survive, Evie must eat what she can, when she can ... even if it seems absolutely disgusting!Each book in this fun new 12-book series from BEAR GRYLLS follows a different child on an outdoor activity camp. Once they are given a magical compass, they meet the inspirational adventurer in an amazing place and learn new skills and facts they can take with them back to their real life.
R 50.00
Bear Grylls Adventure 9: The Cave Challenge
The ninth in the fun new 12-book collectible series for young readers from survival expert and Chief Scout BEAR GRYLLS.A mysterious compass with a fifth direction transports a young boy to an extensive cave system filled with bats, treacherous drops and hidden dangers. Luckily, survival expert Bear Grylls is on hand to guide him safely out, facing his fears and gaining in confidence along the way.Each book in this fun new 12-book series from BEAR GRYLLS follows a different child on the outdoor activity camp. Once they are given the magical compass, they meet the inspirational adventurer in an amazing place and learn new skills and facts they can take with them back to their real life.
R 50.00
Bear Grylls Adventure 10: The Mountain Challenge
The tenth in the fun new 12-book collectible series for young readers from survival expert and Chief Scout BEAR GRYLLS.A mysterious compass with a fifth direction transports a young girl to a mountain top high above sea level, where the air is thin, the steep drops are treacherous and the conditions tough. Luckily, survival expert Bear Grylls is on hand to guide her safely down the mountain, facing her fears and gaining in confidence along the way.Each book in this fun new 12-book series from BEAR GRYLLS follows a different child on the outdoor activity camp. Once they are given the magical compass, they meet the inspirational adventurer in an amazing place and learn new skills and facts they can take with them back to their real life.
R 50.00
Nuwe alles-in-een se leer lees en skryf vir graad 2 : Graad 2
Die Leer lees en skryf-werkboek vir Graad 1 Afrikaans Huistaal is saamgestel die KABV volgens die KABV en maak dit maklik om leerders in die klas of tuis 'n kurrikulumgebaseerde hupstoot te gee met die leer van Afrikaans Huistaal. Die leeslesse, handskrif- en taaloefeninge in die werkboek sal leerders se woordeskat verbeter, hulle help om met selfvertroue en begrip te lees, hulle help om die uitspraak van klanke korrek aan te leer en hul handskrifvaardighede ontwikkel. Die illustrasies, met 'n Suid-Afrikaanse aanslag, help om leerders te stimuleer en betrokke te hou. Die boek is uiteengesit volgens die voorgeskrewe KABV-volgorde vir die leer van klanke, drukhandskrif en taalwerk in Graad 1. Die handskrifoefeninge, skrifstrokies en skrifpatrone is daarop gemik om letterformasievaardighede en druk- en lopende skrif in die regte lettertipe en met die korrekte reelspasiering, soos wat die KABV dit vereis, te oefen.?
R 25.00
Katie and the Sunflowers
Join Katie as she steps into some of the most famous paintings in the world for an exciting art adventure! Katie would love to grow her own flowers, so when she sees some seeds in Van Gogh's Sunflowers masterpiece she can't resist reaching in and grabbing some . . . Mimi, a little girl from a painting nearby, comes to help, but when Mimi's dog Zazou comes too disaster follows! 'A wonderful way to engage children with art. A brilliant combination of education and storytelling' - Parents in Touch (Katie's Picture Show)This art adventure features five famous post-impressionist paintings: Sunflowers and Cafe Terrace at Night by Vincent van Gogh, Breton Girls Dancing and Tahitian Pastorals by Paul Gauguin and Still Life, with Apples and Oranges by Paul Cezanne. Classic picture book character, Katie, has been delighting children for over 25 years. Why not collect all 13 titles in the series? Katie's Picture Show, Katie and the Impressionists, Katie and the Mona Lisa, Katie and the British Artists, Katie and the Waterlily Pond, Katie and the Starry Night, Katie and the Spanish Princess, Katie and the Bathers, Katie in London, Katie's London Christmas, Katie in Scotland, Katie and the Dinosaurs.
R 50.00
Die bereiding van lekker en voedsame maaltye vir die gesin is gewoonlik hoog op die lys van uitdagings wat ons elke dag die hoof moet bied. In Maaltye - maklike geregte vir elke dag kan jy slim oplossings kry vir middagetes, aandetes en onthaalmaaltye wat jou familie en vriende sal geniet en weer voor sal vra. Geinspireer deur mense wat graag interessante en gesonde kos eet maar nie baie tyd het vir koskook nie, het Christine Capendale verleidelike geregte geskep wat nogtans maklik is om te maak en jou nie ure lank in die kombuis besig sal hou nie.
R 115.00
Bear Grylls Adventure 7: The Volcano Challenge
Are you ready for some real adventure? Join Chief Scout Bear Grylls on an exploding volcano . . .Charlie loves a challenge - he's addicted to video games and an expert at figuring our how to get to the next level. But sometimes the real world can seem a bit dull. Then he finds himself on the slopes of an active volcano, with red-hot lava heading his way! There's no time to be bored with Bear as his guide out of danger . . .Each book in this fun new 12-book series from BEAR GRYLLS follows a different child on an outdoor activity camp. Once they are given a magical compass, they meet the inspirational adventurer in an amazing place and learn new skills and facts they can take with them back to their real life.
R 50.00
Capitec: Stalking Giants
How do you build a new bank from scratch? What does it require to take on the big four – Absa, Standard Bank, FNB and Nedbank – and to win? In Capitec: Stalking Giants, top-selling business author TJ Strydom tells the gripping tale of a small team of entrepreneurs that in the early 2000’s turned a small microlending network into a challenger bank.
R 330.00
Positively Me
Born in Qqeberha in the 1990s, popular Aids activist Nozibele Mayaba’s upbringing was one of struggle and strife. She was raised by the tough hand of her mother in the confines of a strict Christian household. Nozibele strove to be the “good girl” thateveryone adores to win her mother’s approval and the affection of her absent father. She lived by the book and was steered by her faith. Hers becomes a life of firsts. She is the first person in her family to travel overseas. The first to graduate from university. It is also her first love, with his infectious smile that infected her with HIV. This diagnosis throws her life into disarray. Fearing stigma and feeling the need to maintain her “good girl” image, she kept her status a secret. However, she soon succumbed to depression. It is in the aftermath, when she picks up the broken pieces of her life that she finds purpose in all the pain she has endured. She went public with her story in a video that when viral and launched her onto a new path. Nozibele, who has since gotten married and recently became a mother, has made it her mission to hold open conversations about her journey living withHIV. Told with gut wrenching honesty, Nozibele is at her mostvulnerable in this brave account about what it means to live andlove beyond HIV
R 320.00
Into the Dark
*ORIGINAL COVER COLLECTION EDITION*Book five in the sensational Magnolia Parks Universe series!How many loves do you actually get in a lifetime? Everyone knows by now that Magnolia Parks and BJ Ballentine are in the stars, but is that enough? Magnolia and BJ are reeling from a devastating loss as they try to plan what's been dubbed 'the wedding of the century'. As family tensions mount and their respective pasts begin catching up to them, they finally have to look the truth in the eye: Can they learn to trust and be with one another again, or will they die trying?This edition is part of the original cover collection.
R 370.00
Bear Grylls Adventure 12: The Sailing Challenge
The twelfth in the fun 12-book collectible series for young readers from survival expert and Chief Scout BEAR GRYLLS.Mia loves to take charge and be a leader - she's not lacking in confidence and throws herself into every experience. Except she's terrible at taking a back seat and letting others have their say. A mysterious compass leads her to an unexpected adventure with Bear Grylls sailing the high seas. Can Bear show Mia the importance of teamwork and how dangerous the ocean can be if the captain doesn't have a crew who will work together?Each book in this fun new 12-book series from BEAR GRYLLS follows a different child on the outdoor activity camp. Once they are given the magical compass, they meet the inspirational adventurer in an amazing place and learn new skills and facts they can take with them back to their real life.
R 50.00
Bear Grylls Adventure 5: The River Challenge
Jack loves all sorts of outdoor activities - but he just can't stand getting wet. Can an adventure with Bear Grylls in a Chinese river gorge, rafting down the rapids, change his mind? Anything that means he might have to swim and Jack is the first to duck out of it. But when he falls into a small stream at Camp, he's not just embarrassed - he's been transported to a raging river where dangers lurk around every bend. Luckily, the inspirational adventurer Bear Grylls is there to guide him through the treacherous waters and give him back some of his lost confidence...Each book in this fun new 12-book series from Chief Scout BEAR GRYLLS follows a different child on the outdoor activity camp. Once they are given the magical compass, they meet the inspirational adventurer in an amazing place and learn new skills and facts they can take with them back to their real life.
R 50.00
21 Lessons for the 21st Century
**THE NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER**In twenty-one bite-sized lessons, Yuval Noah Harari explores what it means to be human in an age of bewilderment.How can we protect ourselves from nuclear war, ecological cataclysms and technological disruptions? What can we do about the epidemic of fake news or the threat of terrorism? What should we teach our children?The world-renowned historian and intellectual Yuval Noah Harari takes us on a thrilling journey through today's most urgent issues. The golden thread running through his exhilarating new book is the challenge of maintaining our collective and individual focus in the face of constant and disorienting change.Faced with a litany of existential and real crises, are we still capable of understanding the world we have created?'[Harari] has teed up a crucial global conversation about how to take on the problems of the 21st century' Bill Gates, New York Times'21 Lessons is, simply put, a crucial book' Adam Kay, author of Undoctored
R 355.00
R 102.00R 68.00
**NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER**Why do human beings behave as they do? 'Awe-inspiring... You will learn more about human nature than in any other book I can think of' Henry Marsh, bestselling author of And Finally.We are capable of savage acts of violence but also spectacular feats of kindness: is one side of our nature destined to win out over the other?Every act of human behaviour has multiple layers of causation, spiralling back seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, even centuries, right back to the dawn of time and the origins of our species.In the epic sweep of history, how does our biology affect the arc of war and peace, justice and persecution? How have our brains evolved alongside our cultures?This is the exhilarating story of human morality and the science underpinning the biggest question of all: what makes us human?'One of the best scientist-writers of our time' Oliver Sacks
R 355.00
One Dark Window
'An evocative tale of romance, mystery and alluring monsters, told in beautifully lush prose' Lyndall Clipstone, author of Lakesedge ELSPETH NEEDS A MONSTER. THE MONSTER MIGHT BE HER. An ancient, mercurial spirit is trapped inside Elspeth Spindle's head - she calls him the Nightmare. He protects her. He keeps her secrets. But nothing comes for free, especially magic. When Elspeth meets a mysterious highwayman on the forest road, she is thrust into a world of shadow and deception. Together, they embark on a dangerous quest to cure the town of Blunder from the dark magic infecting it. As the stakes heighten and their undeniable attraction intensifies, Elspeth is forced to face her darkest secret yet: the Nightmare is slowly, darkly, taking over her mind. And she might not be able to stop him. For fans of Uprooted and For the Wolf comes a gothic fantasy romance about a maiden who must unleash the monster within to save her kingdom. Praise for One Dark Window: 'An enchanting tale with sharp claws and teeth - Gillig's prose will pull you in and won't let you sleep. Pulse-pounding, darkly whimsical and aglow with treacherous magic, One Dark Window is everything I love in fantasy and more' Allison Saft, author of A Far Wilder Magic 'The steamy romance that emerges between Elspeth and Ravyn delights' Publishers Weekly 'A beautifully dark fairy tale of blood, rage and bitter choice, that whisked me away to mist-wreathed woods ripe with romance and menace' Davinia Evans, author of Notorious Sorcerer
R 315.00
Katie and the Bathers
Join Katie as she steps into some of the most famous paintings in the world for an exciting art adventure! On a hot, sunny day, a painting of some bathers in a cool river proves too tempting for Katie, and so she dives straight into the picture! But Katie doesn't just cause a splash - she causes a flood! Paddling with new friends might be fun, but how will Katie stop the water pouring into the gallery?'A wonderful way to engage children with art. A brilliant combination of education and storytelling' - Parents in Touch (Katie's Picture Show)This first introduction to Pointillism features five great masterpieces: Bathers at Asnieres, Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte and Port of Honfleur by Georges Seurat, Woman Hanging up the Washing by Camille Pissarro and Portrait of Felix Feneon by Paul Signac.Classic picture book character, Katie, has been delighting children for over 25 years. Why not collect all 13 titles in the series?Katie's Picture ShowKatie and the ImpressionistsKatie and the Mona LisaKatie and the SunflowersKatie and the British ArtistsKatie and the Waterlily PondKatie and the Starry NightKatie and the Spanish PrincessKatie in LondonKatie's London ChristmasKatie in ScotlandKatie and the Dinosaurs
R 50.00