The Secret History meets Ninth House . . . the discovery of a mysterious deck of tarot cards lays bare shocking secrets within a close-knit circle of researchers at New York's famed Met Cloisters museum.-------'Glamour, power, seduction, ambition – The Cloisters has it all. I adored this deliciously gothic, beautifully written novel.' LOUISE O'NEILL,'Dark and enigmatic . . . a story of academic obsession, Renaissance magic and the ruthless pursuit of power. Captivating in every sense.' SARAH PEARSE'Elegant and atmospheric and suffused with brooding menace.' LUCY CLARKE'Sultry and sinister . . . teems with sexual tension, the secrets of divination, and scholarly obsessiveness . . . jaw-dropping.' SARAH PENNER‘Beguiling and atmospheric, an entrancing and gripping tale.’ KATE MOSSE-------Ann Stilwell arrives in New York City, hoping to spend her summer working at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Instead, she is assigned to The Cloisters, a gothic museum and garden renowned for its collection of medieval and Renaissance art.Drawn into a small circle of charismatic but enigmatic researchers, Ann happy to indulge some of their more outlandish theories, including the museum's curator who is fixated on tarot and the real possibility of predicting the future.But when Ann discovers a mysterious, once-thought lost deck of 15th-century Italian tarot cards she finds herself at the centre of a dangerous game of power, toxic friendship and ambition.And as the game being played within the Cloisters spirals out of control, Ann must decide who she trusts . . .
CONTRIBUTORS: Katy HaysEAN: 9781804990032COUNTRY: United KingdomPAGES: WEIGHT: 286 gHEIGHT: 196 cm
Beguiling and atmospheric, an entrancing and gripping tale., Elegant and atmospheric and suffused with brooding menace, The Cloisters transports us to the dark corridors of museum life, embroiling the reader in a twisting mystery, while also intelligently exploring the nature of fate versus freewill., Glamour, power, seduction, ambition - The Cloisters has it all. I adored this deliciously gothic, beautifully written novel., This is a modern, Gothic masterpiece. Successfully linking modern critical thinking with the divinity of the past, and human nature's desire to believe that there is something else out there. 9/10, The dark and enigmatic world of The Cloisters captured me from the off . . . a story of academic obsession, Renaissance magic and the ruthless pursuit of power. Captivating in every sense.
Katy Hays is an adjunct professor of Art History at Sierra College and holds a BA from UC Santa Cruz, an MA from Williams College and attended UC Berkeley for her PhD in Art History. Her academic work has been published by Ashgate, and her writing has been featured in Belladonna magazine. She also serves on the board of the Community of Writers, whose workshops take place every summer in Olympic Valley, California, where she lives. Having worked in curatorial and research roles at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Musée D'Orsay and The Clark Art Institute, she brings an insider's knowledge of the workings of museums and galleries as well as indepth research about the fascinating history of fortune-telling to The Cloisters, her first novel.
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For the Fans
The Secret History meets Ninth House . . . the discovery of a mysterious deck of tarot cards lays bare shocking secrets within a close-knit circle of researchers at New York's famed Met Cloisters museum.-------'Glamour, power, seduction, ambition – The Cloisters has it all. I adored this deliciously gothic, beautifully written novel.' LOUISE O'NEILL,'Dark and enigmatic . . . a story of academic obsession, Renaissance magic and the ruthless pursuit of power. Captivating in every sense.' SARAH PEARSE'Elegant and atmospheric and suffused with brooding menace.' LUCY CLARKE'Sultry and sinister . . . teems with sexual tension, the secrets of divination, and scholarly obsessiveness . . . jaw-dropping.' SARAH PENNER‘Beguiling and atmospheric, an entrancing and gripping tale.’ KATE MOSSE-------Ann Stilwell arrives in New York City, hoping to spend her summer working at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Instead, she is assigned to The Cloisters, a gothic museum and garden renowned for its collection of medieval and Renaissance art.Drawn into a small circle of charismatic but enigmatic researchers, Ann happy to indulge some of their more outlandish theories, including the museum's curator who is fixated on tarot and the real possibility of predicting the future.But when Ann discovers a mysterious, once-thought lost deck of 15th-century Italian tarot cards she finds herself at the centre of a dangerous game of power, toxic friendship and ambition.And as the game being played within the Cloisters spirals out of control, Ann must decide who she trusts . . .
CONTRIBUTORS: Katy HaysEAN: 9781804990032COUNTRY: United KingdomPAGES: WEIGHT: 286 gHEIGHT: 196 cm
Katy Hays is an adjunct professor of Art History at Sierra College and holds a BA from UC Santa Cruz, an MA from Williams College and attended UC Berkeley for her PhD in Art History. Her academic work has been published by Ashgate, and her writing has been featured in Belladonna magazine. She also serves on the board of the Community of Writers, whose workshops take place every summer in Olympic Valley, California, where she lives. Having worked in curatorial and research roles at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Musée D'Orsay and The Clark Art Institute, she brings an insider's knowledge of the workings of museums and galleries as well as indepth research about the fascinating history of fortune-telling to The Cloisters, her first novel.
Mevrou Smit het Aronspoort toe gekom om vir haarself ’n nuwe lewe en identiteit te bewerk, nie om gewild te wees nie. “Daar is geen wag voor daai mond nie. Al die gedagtes wat in haar kop uitbroei, marsjeer soos mank soldate oor haar tong.” (p.16). Maar dit is juis daardie gedagtes wat al menige moord opgelos het, dit terwyl sy vir haarself streng reëls gestel het vir “goeie” gedrag en verbete daaraan werk om daarby te hou. Reëls soos om te oorleef en te luister na jou instinkte. “My derde reël is om nie my tyd te mors met retrospeksie nie” (p.78), verduidelik sy aan Dario wat in hierdie aflewering weer ’n hoopvolle draai kom maak. Die uitstekende skryfstyl van Elizabeth Wasserman verseker dat mevrou Smit konsekwent, sonder aansien des persoons, hou by haar reëls.
Ek moet bieg dat hierdie derde sage van mevrou Smit vir my ietwat stadig afgeskop het. Daar was nie juis dringendheid rondom die ontdekking van ’n dekade-oue menslike oorskot in die rivierbank nie. Maar wanneer daar ’n vars moord vermoed word, tel mevrou Smit se bloedhond instinkte spoed op. En die krisis na die einde toe is so spannend as wat ’n sogenaamde sagte krimi kan toelaat.
Ek sukkel deesdae toenemend met reekse. Ek vergeet die fynere detail van vorige boeke (ouderdom of té veel storielyne?) en dan sukkel my kop deurentyd om te onthou. Dus sou ek beslis beter gevaar het om die drie boeke agtereenvolgens te lees. Nuwe Mevrou Smit lesers wat nie noodwendig alles wil weet van haar vorige lewe en die voorafgaande avonture op Aronspoort nie, behoort suksesvol te kan volstaan met die intrige soos hier aangebied.